Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Nies Maltin li mietu fl-2021

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Din hija lista ta' nies notevoli Maltin li mietu fl-2021.

F'din il-lista jidhru biss ismijiet ta' nies li l-mewt tagħhom hija kkonfermata peremezz ta' rapport/i minn sorsi verifikabbli. Żidiet bla referenza għal sors verifikabbli jitneħħew minn hawn u jitpoġġew fil-paġna ta' diskussjoni sakemm jiġu verifikati sew.

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Nota: id-data tal-mewt m'għandix tkun dik ta' meta tħabbret imma ta' meta seħħet.

  1. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  2. ^ Diacono, Tim (2021-01-03). "Anthony D'Amato, Co-Owner Of Beloved Valletta Record Store Dies: 'You Leave Behind A Legacy Of Kindness'" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  3. ^
  4. ^ "Anthony D'Amato, co-owner of Valletta's oldest record store, dies at 75". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  5. ^ "Archive copy". Arkivjat minn l-oriġinal fl-2022-08-17. Miġbur 2024-03-23.Manutenzjoni CS1: kopja arkivjata bħala titlu (link)
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^]
  10. ^
  11. ^ "Update: Death announced of Paul M. Cassar at the age of 87". Gozo News (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-07. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  12. ^ "Former mayor of Victoria dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-07. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  13. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2021-01-08). "Former Floriana and Sliema full-back Edmond Falzon passes away". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  14. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  15. ^ "Lino Cefai, well-known Gozitan tourism pioneer dies, aged 63". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-12. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  16. ^
  17. ^ "Gozitan tourism pioneer Lino Cefai passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  18. ^ "Gozitans mourn the loss of Gozo Village Holidays director, Lino Cefai". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  19. ^ "Well-known Gozitan businessman Lino Cefai, passes away". Gozo News (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-12. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  20. ^ Weekly, The Malta Business (2021-01-12). "Gozitan tourism pioneer Lino Cefai passes away | The Malta Business Weekly" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  21. ^ "Ta' Frenċ Restaurant founder and Gozo Village Holidays director Lino Cefai passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  22. ^ Agius, Ritianne (2021-01-18). "Imut il-mużiċista Sammy Galea" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  23. ^ "Composer and musician Sammy Galea passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  24. ^ "Archive copy". Arkivjat minn l-oriġinal fl-2022-08-10. Miġbur 2024-03-23.Manutenzjoni CS1: kopja arkivjata bħala titlu (link)
  25. ^
  26. ^
  27. ^
  28. ^]
  29. ^
  30. ^ "Appreciation: David Murphy (1946-2021)". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-31. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  31. ^ "Tħabbret il-mewt ta' Joseph C. Azzopardi li kien attiv fl-Għaqda Każini tal-Banda - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-23. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  32. ^ "Imut Joe Micallef Stafrace… ġgant fil-politika u fil-ġurnaliżmu - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  33. ^
  34. ^ "'Certain journalism principles are being distorted by some journalists' – Joe Micallef Stafrace" (bl-Ingliż). 2019-01-19. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  35. ^ "Why the Archbishop's Miżbla gesture matters". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2019-11-04. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  36. ^ "Joseph Micallef Stafrace, former minister who faced interdiction, dies aged 87". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  37. ^ "Ara x'kien għallem Micallef Stafrace matul ħajtu dwar il-pinna tal-ġurnalist - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-01-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  38. ^]
  39. ^ "Celebrated pianist Cynthia Turner, 88, passes away". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-01. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  40. ^ Catania, Francesco (2021-02-01). "Tmut il-pjansita ċelebri Cynthia Turner". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  41. ^ Azzopardi, Jean Paul (2021-02-01). "Famous Maltese Pianist Cynthia Turner Passes Away Aged 88" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  42. ^ "Il-Pjanista Cynthia Turner Waħda Mill-Vittmi Tal-Covid-19 - Kienet Daqqet Lir-Reġina Eliżabetta". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  43. ^ "Announcements - February 8, 2021". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-08. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  44. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2021-02-08). "Malta Tenpin Bowling legend Roy Swift dies, aged 86". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  45. ^ Vassallo, Sam (2021-02-08). "Malta's Bowling Community Grieves Loss Of Legendary Player Roy Swift" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  46. ^ [
  47. ^ [
  48. ^ [
  49. ^ "Malta FA saddened by news of Dr Gawdenz Borg's passing". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  50. ^ Farrugia, Jordi (2021-02-09). "Imut il-Maġistrat Dr.Gawdenz Borg, eks Kummissarju tad-Dixxiplina tal-MFA". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  51. ^ [
  52. ^ [
  53. ^ [1]
  54. ^ "Musician and artist Pawlu Grech dies aged 82". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-10. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  55. ^ Agius, Ritianne (2021-02-11). "Death announced of Mro Pawlu Grech" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  56. ^ [
  57. ^ "Appreciation: Chev. Mro Pawlu Grech - the genial contrarian". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-28. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  58. ^ "Seascape artist John Borg Manduca dies aged 86". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-12. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  59. ^ "Announcements - February 16, 2021". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-16. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  60. ^ "Imut Tony Gambin Li Għal Diversi Snin Serva Bħala L-Masseur Tat-Tim Nazzjonali Malti!". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  61. ^ Attard, Mark (2021-02-15). "Imut Tony Gambin, ex masseur tat-tim nazzjonali għal kważi 40 sena" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  62. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2021-02-15). "Long-time Malta FA masseur Tony Gambin dies". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  63. ^ "Tony Gambin, national football team masseur for four decades, passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  64. ^ Farrugia, Jordi (2021-02-15). "Imut Tony Gambin, għamel 38 sena bħala masseur tat-tim Nazzjonali Malti". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  65. ^ [2]
  66. ^ "Scholar Mgr Ġwann Azzopardi dies aged 84". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-19. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  67. ^ "Former Mdina cathedral curator Mgr Ġwann Azzopardi passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  68. ^ "Imut Dun Ġwann Azzopardi - ir-Rabat jitlef wieħed minn uliedu" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-19. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  69. ^ [3]
  70. ^ "Jiġi Nieqes Vince Farrugia L-Eks Direttur Ġenerali Tal-GRTU Fl-Età Ta' 77 Sena!". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  71. ^ "Business lobby giant Vince Farrugia dies aged 77". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-26. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  72. ^ "Vince Farrugia, kingmaker who ran small business lobby, dies aged 77". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  73. ^ [
  74. ^ "Former GRTU director Vince Farrugia dies, aged 77 - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  75. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Vince Farrugia - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-02-26. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  76. ^ Newsroom, N. E. T. (2021-02-26). "Imut l-eks Direttur Ġenerali tal-GRTU Vince Farrugia". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  77. ^ Vassallo, Alvin (2021-02-26). "Former Director of GRTU Vince Farrugia dies" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  78. ^ "Imut Ġorġ tal-Mużew" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-01. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  79. ^ "Gorg Agius, known as 'Ġorġ tal-Mużew', turns 94 years old today". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  80. ^ "Gorg Agius, known as 'Ġorġ tal-Mużew', honoured for his work among sick and elderly" (bl-Ingliż). 2016-05-12. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  81. ^ "Ġorġ tal-Mużew dies aged 94". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-01. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  82. ^ [4]
  83. ^ "Judge Albert Manche passes away, aged 87". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  84. ^ "Former ambassador Mark Micallef dies aged 70". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-11. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  85. ^ "Hibernians FC president Tony Bezzina passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  86. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Tony Bezzina tal-Hibs - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-15. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  87. ^ Farrugia, Jordi (2021-03-15). "Imut Vincent Tabone, eks Direttur u membru fil-kumitat ta' Valletta". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  88. ^ Azzopardi, Jean Paul (2021-03-15). "'A Man Of Respect': Beltin Remember Valletta FC's Club Director And Loyal Fan Vincent 'Palollu' Tabone" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  89. ^ "Valletta FC f'luttu imut Vincent Tabone l-'Palollu' li serva fil-kumitat fl-aħħar 40 sena" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-15. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  90. ^ Farrugia, Jordi (2021-03-20). "Imut Emidio Grech eks player ta' Lija u St.George's". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  91. ^ [
  92. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  93. ^ "Godfrey Grima, former FT correspondent and publicist, dies aged 79". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  94. ^ [
  95. ^ "Godfrey Grima, journalist turned advertising man, dies aged 79". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-03-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  96. ^ "Former journalist and publicist Godfrey Grima passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  97. ^ [
  98. ^ "- YouTube". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  99. ^ [
  100. ^ Amaira, Christine (2021-03-29). "Imut Godfrey Grima". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  101. ^ "Brian Gatt, former head of Detention Services, dies, aged 54". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-04-04. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  102. ^ [5]
  103. ^ "Restaurateur and Esmeralda survivor Carol Calleja dies aged 80". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-04-09. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  104. ^ "Announcements - April 8, 2021". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-04-08. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  105. ^ Azzopardi, Jean Paul (2021-04-09). "Sliema's Stalwart Restaurateur And Esmeralda Yacht Incident Survivor Carol Calleja Passes Aged 80" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  106. ^ "Legendary Floriana stalwart Lolly Debattista dies, aged 91". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-05-02. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  107. ^ [6]. <ref>[7]
  108. ^ [
  109. ^ [8]
  110. ^ "Former Allied Newspapers managing director Ronald Agius dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-05-20. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  111. ^ "Imut il-ġurnalist veteran Felix Agius - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-05-20. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  112. ^ [
  113. ^ "Labour, Muscat, salute veteran journalist". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-05-20. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  114. ^ "Felix Agius, veteran journalist of loyal Labour stock, passes away aged 73". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  115. ^ Peregin, Chris (2021-05-31). "Tributes Pour In For Leftist Maltese Priest Who Died In Brazil And Had Warned Malta Against Losing Its Humanity" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  116. ^ [
  117. ^ "Farewell Ġann: social justice activists, friends mourn loss of Fr Ġwann Xerri". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  118. ^ "Freedom and well-being – Pete Farrugia". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-02. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  119. ^ "Appreciation: Fr Ġwann Xerri, OP". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  120. ^ "Former Sliema Wanderers and Malta stalwart Edward Aquilina dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  121. ^ Newsroom, N. E. T. (2021-06-06). "Imut Edward Aquilina, eks coach ta' Valletta u Sliema Wanderers fost l-oħrajn". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  122. ^ "Former player, coach Edward Aquilina dies - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  123. ^ "Former Sliema Wanderers and Malta stalwart Edward Aquilina dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  124. ^ "Football icon Edward Aquilina passes away aged 75". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  125. ^ [9]
  126. ^ "Imut l-ikona ta' Sliema Wanderers Edward Aquilina - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  127. ^ "Archive copy". Arkivjat minn l-oriġinal fl-2021-10-20. Miġbur 2024-03-23.Manutenzjoni CS1: kopja arkivjata bħala titlu (link)
  128. ^ Galea, Owen (2021-06-10). "Imut il-Prof. Edward de Bono – fost 150 persuna fid-dinja li kkontribwixxa bl-iktar mod effettiv għall-umanità" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  129. ^ Jeffries, Stuart (2021-06-10). "Edward de Bono obituary" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  130. ^ [10],
  131. ^ [11],
  132. ^ "Father of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono, has died". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  133. ^ "Edward de Bono obituary: Lateral thinker who proposed Marmite as solution to Arab-Israeli conflict". The Irish Times (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  134. ^ "Jon Lukas, singer of 1970s hit 'Can't Afford To Lose', passes away at 72". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  135. ^ [12],
  136. ^ "Jon Lukas, singer of hit song 'Can't Afford to Lose' dies aged 72". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-11. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  137. ^ "Imut l-artist Malti Jon Lukas - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-11. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  138. ^ "Jon Lukas, singer of hit song 'Can't Afford to Lose' dies aged 72". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-11. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  139. ^ "Former Malta national coach Guentcho Dobrev dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-06-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  140. ^ "Founder of Calamatta Cuschieri passes away". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-07-08. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  141. ^ "Announcements - July 8, 2021". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-07-08. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  142. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Patrick Vella - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-07-10. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  143. ^ [13],
  144. ^ [14],
  145. ^ Vassallo, Alvin (2021-07-10). "The death of Patrick Vella announced" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  146. ^ [15]
  147. ^ "Veteran sports administrator Louis Borg passes away, aged 85". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-07-19. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  148. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2021-07-19). "Veteran sports administrator Louis Borg passes away, aged 85". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  149. ^ Cassar, Simon (2021-07-27). "Imut il-kantant Nunzio Galdes". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  150. ^ "Former world amateur billiards champion Joe Grech dies aged 66". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-08-21. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  151. ^ Camilleri, Valhmor (2021-08-21). "Former world amateur billiards champion Joe Grech dies aged 66". SportsDesk (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  152. ^ [16],
  153. ^ "Appreciation: Salvatore Mousù (1)". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-08-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  154. ^ "Appreciation: Salvatore Mousù (2)". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-08-29. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  155. ^ "Vittoriosa-based artist Clemens Hasengschwandtner dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-09-01. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  156. ^ [17]
  157. ^ "Announcements - September 6, 2021". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-09-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  158. ^ ""X'Ġurnata Tad-Dwejjaq... In-Nuqqas Tiegħek Ser Jinħass Immensament..." - Jiġi Nieqes Colin Grech". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  159. ^ "Naturalist and folklorist Guido Lanfranco dies aged 90". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-09-08. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  160. ^ "Guido Lanfranco, whose love of Malta's nature, language and folklore inspired thousands, dies at 90". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  161. ^ "Revered Maltese naturalist Guido Lanfranco passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  162. ^ "Maltese writer and dedicated biology teacher Guido Lanfranco passes away". University of Malta. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  163. ^ [18]
  164. ^ Galea, Owen (2021-09-20). "Imut l-attur John Mansueto" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  165. ^ [19]
  166. ^ "Titħabbar Il-Mewt Ta' John Mansueto". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  167. ^ "Loading..." Arkivjat minn l-oriġinal fl-2021-10-23. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  168. ^ (2021-09-20). ""Ħsadtna bit-telfa tiegħek"… titħabbar il-mewt tal-attur John Mansueto". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  169. ^ "Malta-based Hollywood movie set designer Peter Howitt dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-09-23. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  170. ^ "Former dean of medicine and renowned physician Frederick Fenech dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-13. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  171. ^ "Renowned Valletta caterer Croce Bonaci dies, aged 61". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-21. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  172. ^ [20]
  173. ^ "Imut Croce Bonaci – wieħed mill-aqwa dulċiera f'Malta" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-21. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  174. ^ Cassar, Simon (2021-10-21). "Il-Beltin maħsudin bil-mewt ta' Croce Bonaci u Sandro Lapira". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  175. ^ Cassar, Simon (2021-10-21). "Il-Beltin maħsudin bil-mewt ta' Croce Bonaci u Sandro Lapira". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  176. ^ [21]
  177. ^ "Actor, comedian Joseph Debono dies following battle with ALS". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-27. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  178. ^ "Actor Joe Debono, best known for 'James Bondin' portrayal, passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  179. ^ Bonnici, Julian (2021-10-27). "Joe Debono, Better Known As 'James Bondin', Dies Following Battle With ALS" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  180. ^ "Actor Joe Debono, best known for 'James Bondin' portrayal, passes away - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  181. ^ "Xarabank satirist Joe Debono dies". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  182. ^ "AĠĠORNAT: 'Kompli tbissem it-tbissima li għandek hawnhekk' – mart Joe Debono li miet bl-ALS" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-27. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  183. ^ "Imut l-attur komiku u kittieb Joe Debono - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-27. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  184. ^ "AĠĠORNAT: 'Kompli tbissem it-tbissima li għandek hawnhekk' – mart Joe Debono li miet bl-ALS" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-27. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  185. ^ Catania, Francesco (2021-10-27). "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Joe Debono". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  186. ^ "Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco dies, aged 72". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-31. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  187. ^ "MOC pays tribute upon death of president emeritus Lino Farrugia Sacco". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-10-31. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  188. ^ [22]
  189. ^ [23]
  190. ^ Newsroom, N. E. T. (2021-10-31). "Imut l-eks Imħallef Lino Farrugia Sacco". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  191. ^ "Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco dies, aged 72 - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  192. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  193. ^ "Maltese basketball legend Tony Camilleri dies". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-11-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  195. ^ Farrugia, Jordi (2021-11-06). "Imut Tony Camilleri, meqjus bħala wieħed mill-akbar ismijiet fil-basketball lokali". NETnews (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  196. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt ta' Tony Camilleri… magħruf sew fil-qasam sportiv lokali - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-11-06. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  197. ^ "Maltese athletics icon Ray Cassar Torreggiani dies aged 87". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-11-15. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  200. ^ [26]
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  202. ^ [27]
  203. ^ "79th SMOM Grand Master Fra' Matthew Festing dies in Malta - The Malta Independent". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  204. ^ "Grand Master to be buried in St John's Co-Cathedral". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-11-27. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  208. ^ "Hugh Hefner's Maltese 'bambina': Playboy Bunny dies aged 69". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-01. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  209. ^ Laurie, Dan; Phillips, Jess (2021-11-23). "Playboy 'Twins of Evil' star Mary Collinson dies as fans pay tribute to model". Daily Star (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  210. ^ "Baroness Ramsay Scicluna dies aged 73". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-11-26. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  211. ^ "Iconic heart and soul of Naxxar's Parisio palace, Christiane Ramsay Scicluna, passes away". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  212. ^ "Tmut Is-Sid Ta' Palazzo Parisio - Strieħ Fis-Sliem". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  214. ^ [30]
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  220. ^ "Il-Mewta Ta' Gilbert 'Jill' St John Żgur Li Fakkret Lil Ħafna Fis-Suċċess Li Kellhom The Echoes". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  221. ^ "Business leader and philanthropist Michael Mallia dies aged 77". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-13. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  222. ^ "Facebook". Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  223. ^ "Il-Beltin Dalgħodu Qamu Maħsudin Għat-Telfa Ta' Victor Scerri - Naxxari Li Kellu Għal Qalbu L-Belt Valletta!". (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  224. ^ "Enzo Gusman dies aged 74". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-18. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  225. ^ "Singer and broadcaster Enzo Gusman passes away at 74". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  229. ^ "Top cardiologist Albert Fenech dies at 70". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  230. ^ "Cardiologist and former MP Albert Fenech dies aged 70". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-28. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  231. ^ "Imut il-Professur Albert Fenech fl-għomor ta' 70 sena" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-28. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  233. ^ "Top cardiologist Albert Fenech dies aged 70" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
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  235. ^ "Titħabbar il-mewt tal-kardjologu Albert Fenech - ONE" (bl-Ingliż). 2021-12-28. Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  236. ^ Cilia, Johnathan (2021-12-28). "Top Cardiologist And Former PN MP Albert Fenech Dies Aged 70" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-23.
  237. ^ "Life will never be the same – Alex Manché". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2022-01-15. Miġbur 2024-03-23.

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