Aqbeż għall-kontentut

J.K. Rowling

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa
J.K. Rowling

Isem propju Joanne Rowling
Twelid Yate (en) Translate, 31 Lulju 1965 (59 sena)
Nazzjonalità Renju Unit
Residenza Killiechassie House (en) Translate
L-ewwel lingwa Ingliż Brittaniku
Missier Peter James Rowling
Omm Anne Rowling
Konjuga/i Jorge Arantes (en) Translate  (16 Ottubru 1992 -  26 Ġunju 1995)
Neil Murray (en) Translate  (26 Diċembru 2001 -
Alma mater Wyedean School (en) Translate 1983)
University of Exeter (en) Translate
(1983 - : Franċiż
Lingwi Ingliż
Ingliż Brittaniku
Okkupazzjoni producer ċinematografiku
kittieb tal-kotba tat-tfal
anti-transgender activist (en) Translate
Xogħlijiet importanti Harry Potter (mul) Translate
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (en) Translate
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (en) Translate
Nominat għal
  • [[Nestlé Children's Book Prize (en) ]]
    (1997) : [[Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (en) ]]
    [[Nestlé Children's Book Prize (en) ]]
    (1998) : [[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (en) ]]
    [[Guardian Children's Fiction Prize (en) ]]
    (1998) : [[Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (en) ]]
    [[Nestlé Children's Book Prize (en) ]]
    (1999) : [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (en) ]]
    [[Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (en) ]]
    (1999) : [[Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (en) ]]
    [[Locus Award for Best First Novel (en) ]]
    (1999) : [[Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (en) ]]
    [[Guardian Children's Fiction Prize (en) ]]
    (1999) : [[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (en) ]]
    [[Guardian Children's Fiction Prize (en) ]]
    (2000) : [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (en) ]]
    [[Hugo Award for Best Novel (en) ]]
    (2000) : [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (en) ]]
    [[Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (en) ]]
    (2001) : [[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (en) ]]
    [[Carnegie Medal (en) ]]
    (2003) : [[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (en) ]]
    [[Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form (en) ]]
    (2003) : [[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (en) ]]
    [[Carnegie Medal (en) ]]
    (2005) : [[Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (en) ]]
    [[Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form (en) ]]
    (2005) : [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (en) ]]
    [[Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (en) ]]
    [[Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form (en) ]]
    (2006) : [[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (en) ]]
    [[Carnegie Medal (en) ]]
    (2008) : [[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (en) ]]
    [[Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form (en) ]]
    (2008) : [[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (en) ]]
    [[European Film Award – People's Choice Award for Best European Film (en) ]]
    (2017) : [[Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (en) ]]
    [[European Film Award – People's Choice Award for Best European Film (en) ]]
    (2019) : [[Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (en) ]]
Influwenzat minn George Eliot
Edith Nesbit (mul) Translate
Emily Brontë (mul) Translate
Lloyd Alexander (en) Translate
G. K. Chesterton (en) Translate
Elizabeth Goudge (en) Translate
Stephen King (mul) Translate
T. H. White (en) Translate
J. D. Salinger (en) Translate
Jessica Mitford (en) Translate
Sylvia Plath (mul) Translate
C. S. Lewis (mul) Translate
Sħubija Soċjetà Rjali tal-Letteratura
Psewdonomu Robert Galbraithu J. K. Rowling
Moviment artistiku tragicomedy (en) Translate
rumanz kriminali
fantasy (en) Translate

Joanne Rowling hija awtriċi Ingliża magħrufa bħala J.K. Rowling. Rowling hija l-awtriċi magħrufa li kitbet is-serje tant popolari Harry Potter, sejre li rnexxielha tisraq il-qlub ta' bosta nies li tinteressahom il-maġija. Harry Potter rebaħ ħafna premjijiet, u nbigħu 'il fuq minn 377 miljun kopja mad-dinja kollha.

J. K. Rowling

Il-ġenituri ta' Rowling kien jisimhom Peter James Rowling u Anne Rowling (mwielda Volat) fil-31 t'Awwissu tal-1965, f'Yate Gloucestershire, l-Ingilterra, 10 mili (16.1 km) fit-tramuntana ta' Bristol. Oħtha Dianne twieldet fid-dar tagħhom fit-28 t'Awwissu fl-1967 meta Rowling kien għad kellha biss 23 xahar. Il-familja marret toqgħod f'raħal qrib Winterbourne meta Rowling kellha erba' snin. Hija attendiet l-iskola primarja St Michael's, skola imwaqqfa kważi 200 sena ilu mill-popolari William Wilberforce u ġiet irriformata minn Hannah More. Jingħad li l-Kap tal-iskola f'St Michael's, Alfred Dunn, kien il-mudell ta' Albus Dumbledore f'Harry Potter.

Meta kienet tifla, Rowling kienet tieħu gost tikteb l-istejjer tal-fantasija biex taqrahom oħtha. "Niftakar ngħidilha l-istejjer fejn hi kienet taqa' ġo ħofra tal-fniek u l-fniek ta' ġewwa kienu jagħtuha tiekol il-frawli" tgħid Rowling. "L-ewwel storja li ktibt (meta kelli ħames jew sitt snin) kienet dwar fenek jismu Rabbit. Dan il-fenek kien qabdu il-ġidri r-riħ u kienu jiġu ħbiebu jarawh, fosthom kien hemm naħla kbira jisimha, is-sinjura naħla (Miss Bee)."

Bidu tal-karriera

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Ġieli l-Kunjom ta' Rowling kien jinqara "Rolling" minflok "Rowling". Proprjament hi jisimha "Joanne Rowling" mhux bħalma jaħsbu ħafna nies "Joanne Kathleen Rowling". Qabel ma ppubblikat l-ewwel ktieb Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Bloomsbury, il-kumpanija li stampaw u ppublikaw il-kotba ta’ Harry Potter, beżgħet li s-subien ma kinux ser jaqraw il-ktieb billi kienet kitbitu mara. Allura biex ma tidhirx li hija mara, għażlet l-ittra K, minn isem nannitha Kathleen, ħalli b'hekk minflok jidher l-isem "Joanne Rowling", jidher "J.K Rowling".

F’ Diċembru tal-1990, omm Joanne mardet u mietet. Joanne qalet "Kont qiegħda nikteb Harry Potter meta ommi mietet. Qatt ma għedtilha fuq Harry Potter".

Qofol tal-karriera

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Rowling rebħet bosta premjijiet għall-kotba li kitbet, fosthom Children’s Book Award, Nestlé Smarties Book Prize u ħafna oħrajn. Is-sitt ktieb, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince qiegħed fil-Guinness World Records deskritt bħala l-iżjed ktieb qatt mibjugħ! Is-sitt ktieb nbiegħ f’ġurnata u nbigħu iżjed kopji milli nbigħu kopji ta' The Da Vinci Code f’sena. J.K. Rowling taqla iżjed flus mill-kotba milli taqla’ r-reġina tal-Ingilterra. Bħalissa, J.K. Rowling qed tgħix f'Edinbera, l-iSkozja ħdejn oħta Dianna, minn fejn ħarget Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows fil-21 ta’ Lulju 2007.

Siti elettroniki dwar J.K. Rowling u Harry Potter

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