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Diskussjoni Wikipedija:Mudelli kollha

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Let's name some tags for deletion requests? like english {{rfd}}, {{vfd}} (request for deletion and vote for deletion) .. i was thinking: {{tgħħ}}, {{vgħħ}} - Talb għall Ħassrin, Voti għall Ħassrin ? I'll delete the pages, but I was thinking of trying to get a process going. Srl | lblb 18:57, 27 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Hmm.. I guess that would be talb għat-tħassir and voti għat-tħassir {{tgħt}}, {{vgħt}}. However I think you can say 'rikjesta' too in MT .. we might ask User:MaltaGirl.
iħassar V = he deletes -> [t]ħass[ir] N makes it into a noun = deletion (cf. Maltese WFR's)

--Joelemaltais 20:27, 27 Mej 2005 (UTC)

english source of translation

[immodifika s-sors]

Template messages?

[immodifika s-sors]

If someone wants to translate this concept into Maltese, feel free.

Templates are used within articles to provide a consistent look to the messages placed into them. Changes to the look, wording, or style of the message can be implemented quickly, because templates are rendered for the reader when the article loads. Spaces in the name are allowed, e.g. {{train topics}}. The first character (only) is not case-sensitive, so {{Mhux bil-Malti}} and <nowiki>{{mhux bil-Malti}} both work. This technique is commonly known as transclusion.

Templates can also accept parameters which are then inserted into the output of the template.

Templates in the article namespace exist only to help readers. These can include navigation aids, or warnings that content is sub-standard. Templates that provide information only of service to editors belong on an article's talk page.

At present, this article itself is an example of something that's not in Maltese and needs to be translated!

Many Template messages have an accompanying category with them. For example, Category:Mhux bil-Malti lists all articles with the {{Mhux bil-Malti}} message template.

en:Wikipedia:Template messages

Proġett ġdid

[immodifika s-sors]

Se nipprova nibda' il-paġna mill-ġdid, u se niġbor it-templates kollha. Però hemm ħafna templates duplikati u rridu nagħmlu għażla liema ħa nżommu, waqt il-proċess jien se nagħmel lista ta' l-affarijiet kollha li huma duplikati hawnhekk sabiex nilħqu kunsens f'dan ir-rigward. Sadanitant jekk tafu dwar xi template li mhux qiegħed ninkludi hawnhekk jekk jogħġbok agħmlu kuntatt miegħi hawnhekk. --Gian 19:27, 29 Lulju 2008 (UTC)[wieġeb]