Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Sinéad O'Connor

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Sinéad O'Connor
Isem propju Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor
Twelid Glenageary (en) Translateu Dublin, 8 Diċembru 1966
Nazzjonalità Irlanda
Residenza Knockananna (en) Translate
Dalkey (en) Translate
Bray (en) Translate
Mewt Londra, 26 Lulju 2023
Post tad-dfin Deans Grange Cemetery (en) Translate
Kawża tal-mewt kawżi naturali (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (en) Translate
asthma (en) Translate
respiratory tract infection (en) Translate)
Missier John O’Connor
Konjuga/i John Reynolds (en) Translate  (Marzu 1989 -  Novembru 1991)
Nick Sommerlad (en) Translate  (2001 -  Lulju 2002)
Steve Cooney (en) Translate  (Lulju 2010 -  April 2011)
Barry Herridge (en) Translate  (2011 -  2011)
Koppja/i Peter Gabriel (en) Translate
Richard Heslop (en) Translate
John Waters (en) Translate
Dónal Lunny (en) Translate
Frank Bonadio (en) Translate
Alma mater Newtown School, Waterford (en) Translate
Lingwi Ingliż
Okkupazzjoni kantawtur
kantant rock
Xogħlijiet importanti Nothing Compares 2 U (en) Translate
Influwenzat minn Bob Dylan (en) Translate
Sħubija Big Blue Ball (en) Translate
In Tua Nua (en) Translate
Moviment artistiku rock alternattiv
pop rock
folk rock (en) Translate
college rock (en) Translate
Celtic rock (en) Translate
indie pop (en) Translate
Tip ta' leħen mezzo soprano
Strument/i tal-mużika kitarra
tin whistle (en) Translate
strument tal-perkussjoni
Tikketta tar-reġistrazzjoni Chrysalis Records (en) Translate
Ensign Records (en) Translate
Vanguard Records (mul) Translate
One Little Independent Records (en) Translate
Nettwerk (en) Translate

Shuhada' Sadaqat[1] (li qabel kienet Magda Davitt; imwielda Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor; twieldet fit-8 ta' Diċembru 1966 – mietet fis-26 ta' Lulju 2023)[2], magħrufa professjonalment bħala Sinéad O'Connor, kienet kantanta u mużiċista Irlandiża. L-album tad-debutt tagħha, irreġistrat fi studjo, The Lion and the Cobra, inħareġ fl-1987 u kien suċċess internazzjonali. It-tieni album tagħha, dejjem irreġistrat fi studjo, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got (1990), sar l-ikbar suċċess tagħha, u nbigħu iktar minn seba' miljun kopja tiegħu madwar id-dinja.[3] Il-kanzunetta ewlenija tiegħu, "Nothing Compares 2 U", ġiet imsejħa bħala l-aqwa single dinjija fl-1990 mill-Billboard Music Awards.[4]

O'Connor ħarġet 10 albums irreġistrati fi studjo. Am I Not Your Girl? (1992) u Universal Mother (1994) ġew iċċertifikati bil-premju tad-deheb fir-Renju Unit, Faith and Courage (2000) ġie ċċertifikat bil-premju tad-deheb fl-Awstralja, u Throw Down Your Arms (2005) ġie ċċertifikat bil-premju tad-deheb fl-Irlanda. Fost ix-xogħol tagħha kien hemm ukoll kanzunetti għall-films, kollaborazzjonijiet ma' bosta artisti oħra, u dehriet f'kunċerti għall-ġbir ta' fondi għall-karità. Il-ktieb tal-memorji tagħha tal-2021, Rememberings, kien bestseller.[5]

Fl-1999, O'Connor ġiet ordnata bħala patri mill-Knisja Tridentina Latina, setta mhux rikonoxxuta mill-Knisja Kattolika prinċipali. B'mod konsistenti tkellmet rigward kwistjonijiet marbuta mal-abbuż tat-tfal, id-drittijiet tal-bniedem, ir-razziżmu, ir-reliġjonijiet organizzati, u d-drittijiet tan-nisa. Matul il-karriera mużikali tagħha, tkellmet dwar il-vjaġġ spiritwali tagħha, l-attiviżmu, il-fehmiet soċjopolitiċi tagħha, kif ukoll dwar it-trawma li kellha u d-diffikultajiet li kellha b'rabta mas-saħħa mentali. Fl-2017, O'Connor bidlet isimha għal Magda Davitt. Wara li kkonvertiet għall-Iżlam fl-2018, bidlet isimha għal Shuhada' Sadaqat. Hija baqgħet tirreġistra d-diski u tkanta b'isem twelidha.[6]

  • The Lion and the Cobra (1987)
  • I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got (1990)
  • Am I Not Your Girl? (1992)
  • Universal Mother (1994)
  • Faith and Courage (2000)
  • Sean-Nós Nua (2002)
  • Throw Down Your Arms (2005)
  • Theology (2007)
  • How About I Be Me (and You Be You)? (2012)
  • I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss (2014)
Sena Nominazzjoni / xogħol Premju Riżultat
1989 The Lion and the Cobra Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance Nominata
1990 Hi stess Rockbjörnen for Best Foreign Artist Rebbieħa
Billboard Music Awards for Rock Female Artist Rebbieħa
"Nothing Compares 2 U" Billboard Music Awards for No.1 World Single Rebbieħa
MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year Rebbieħa
MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video Rebbieħa
MTV Video Music Award for Best Post-Modern Video Rebbieħa
MTV Video Music Award for Breakthrough Video Nominata
MTV Video Music Award for Viewer's Choice Nominata
MTV Video Music Award for International Viewer's Choice (MTV Europe) Nominata
1991 Grammy Award for Record of the Year Nominata
Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance Nominata
Grammy Award for Best Music Video, Short Form Nominata
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Performance Rebbieħa
Juno Awards for International Album of the Year Nominata
Hi stess Juno Awards for International Entertainer of the Year Nominata
American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist Nominata
Brit Award for International Female Solo Artist Rebbieħa
Danish Music Awards for Foreign Female Artist of the Year Rebbieħa
"Nothing Compares 2 U" Danish Music Awards Foreign Hit of the Year Rebbieħa
1992 Year of the Horse Grammy Award for Best Music Video, Long Form Nominata
1994 "You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart" MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film Nominata
Hi stess Goldene Europa Awards for Best International Singer Rebbieħa
Žebřík Music Award for Best International Female Nominata
1995 Brit Award for International Female Solo Artist Nominata
1996 "Famine" Grammy Award for Best Music Video, Short Form Nominata
D&AD Award for Pop Promo Video (Individual) Lapes tal-Injam
2000 "No Man's Woman" Billboard Music Video Award for Best Jazz/AC Clip of the Year Nominata
Hi stess Žebřík Music Award for Best International Female Nominata
2003 "Troy" International Dance Music Awards for Best Progressive House/Trance Track Nominata
"Tears from the Moon" Nominata
2004 Hi stess Meteor Music Awards for Best Irish Female Nominata
2005 Nominata
2006 Nominata
2007 Nominata
2008 Nominata
2012 "Lay Your Head Down" World Soundtrack Award for Best Original Song Written Directly for a Film Rebbieħa
Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song Nominata
"Queen of Denmark" Rober Awards Music Poll for Best Cover Version Nominata
2013 "GMF" (with John Grant) Rober Awards Music Poll for Song of the Year Nominata
2015 I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss Meteor Choice Music Prize for Best Album Nominata
"Take Me To Church" Meteor Choice Music Prize for Song of the Year Nominata
2023 I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got Choice Music Prize 'Classic Irish Album' Rebbieħa
  1. ^ Wilkinson, Bard (2018-10-26). "Sinead O'Connor converts to Islam and changes name to Shuhada'". CNN (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2023-07-27.
  2. ^ News, The Gulf Observer (2023-07-27). "Sinead O'Connor dies aged 56" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2023-07-27.
  3. ^ McCormick, Neil (2023-07-26). "Sinéad O'Connor interview: 'Live with the devil and you find there's a God'" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2023-07-27.
  4. ^ "Winners Database | Billboard Music Awards". 2016-03-13. Arkivjat mill-oriġinal fl-2016-03-13. Miġbur 2023-07-27.Manutenzjoni CS1: BOT: url-oriġinali status mhux magħruf (link)
  5. ^ "Books of the Month: From Sinead O'Connor's Rememberings to Lisa Taddeo's Animal | The Independent". 2021-05-31. Arkivjat mill-oriġinal fl-2021-05-31. Miġbur 2023-07-27.Manutenzjoni CS1: BOT: url-oriġinali status mhux magħruf (link)
  6. ^ "Reaction to Sinéad O'Connor on Late Late shows we still have a long way to go on empathy and mental health | JOE is the voice of Irish people at home and abroad". 2020-04-12. Arkivjat mill-oriġinal fl-2020-04-12. Miġbur 2023-07-27.Manutenzjoni CS1: BOT: url-oriġinali status mhux magħruf (link)