Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Diskussjoni utent:ToniSant/Arkivju 2021

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Hello and Happy New Year!

[immodifika s-sors]

Hello, I am sorry I can't speak Maltese; I wish I could. I wish you and all your people a happy new year, hoping that 2021 will be a much better and safer year for everyone. My name is Claudi Balaguer/User:Capsot, and I write this message because we are about to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Catalan Viquipèdia soon and I would be honored and pleased to have some Maltese people participate and say something in your language in a short video. The videos would have a duration of a maximum of 15 seconds, and you can say whatever you want in Maltese about the Wikipedia or the Catalan/Maltese historical relationships or what you deem interesting and end with "Bon aniversari" and/or "per molts anys" in Catalan. You can choose the background you feel more appropriate too, and I wish you could let us see some beautiful places or monuments of your country (a beautiful one!). I hope to hear from you; I will tell you more soon should you be interested. Claudi/Capsot (d) 15:15, 10 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Lista ta' Infoboxes

[immodifika s-sors]

Kif int Toni? Tista' tfakkarni kif insib il-lista tal-infoboxes fuq mt.wikipedia. Kont naf imma insejt!

Grazzi u tislijiet.

Leli Forte (d) 21:57, 6 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Leli Forte: Jien mhux ħażin, grazzi. :-) Nittama li int ukoll. Mhux ċert hux qed nifhem il-mistoqsija sew. Jekk qed tgħid għall-infoboxes li jinġibdu minn Wikidata, dawn jaħdmu biss għall-bijografiji attwalment. Utent:Scutajar kien se jiffoka ftit fuq dawn il-infoboxes miġbuda mill-Wikidata, kif jeħles mix-xogħol prinċipali fuq il-mudelli tar-referenzi. Se nara nkellmux dwar hekk. Per eżempju, Utent:Trigclyjixtieq ħafna li niżviluppaw infobox bil-wikidata għall-postijiet.
Jekk qed tgħid għall-mudelli tal-infoboxes li kellna qabel Wikidata, allura dawk issibhom hawn għax ma naħsibx li kienu ġew ikkategorizzati kif suppost. -- ToniSant (d) 10:34, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant: Le qed nirreferi għall-infoboxes lokali. Kelli bżonn "Infobox ktieb" imma insejt kif insibu (jekk hemm).
Leli Forte (d) 15:19, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Leli Forte: Skont hawn m'għandnix infobox għal ktieb. Tkun utli, sintendi, speċjalment b'transclusion minn Wikidata statements. Fil-verità naħseb li għandna bżonn niżviluppaw l-ewwel hija lista bħal din.
Interessanti li fil-Franċiż hemm perspettiva differenti ħafna vis-a-vis l-użu tal-Wikidata f'dawn infoboxes. Ara hawn. -- ToniSant (d) 15:50, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello Please delete this article as the article does not indicate notability thank you. Sakura emad (d) 15:02, 31 Ottubru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

This article has now been deleted four times. -- ToniSant (d) 14:33, 3 Novembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

S 23:24, 26 Novembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Mudell:Dati pajjiż Saint Lucia

[immodifika s-sors]

Hello, can you delete this article that I have just created because I have just realized that it already exists. John 66000 (d) 20:28, 29 Diċembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]