Aqbeż għall-kontentut

2024 fil-mużika ta' Malta

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Din hija lista ta' attivitajiet mużikali notevoli li ġraw u diski/recordings maħruġa fl-2024. Kull attività jew recording iridu jkunu sostanzjati minn referenza xierqa, u aktar minn waħda, meta dan possibli.

Diski u recordings oħra maħruġa fl-2024

[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
2 Haw elPaletti Digital Bandcamp[1] Q124354611
5 Hey Lover Jay Zinga feat. Bee Video Spotify[2] / YouTube[3] Q124354463
8 Bloat Drone Lady Lizard Lyric video Bandcamp[4] / YouTube[5] Q124354653
10 Feel the Rain Chasing Pandora Single (reissue) Spotify[6]
11 Blata Is-Suffarin Album Bandcamp[7]
11 Semgħat id-Daqq (HBIT Remix) Cher Camilleri Remix Soundcloud[8]
11 Rejection From Sheep to Wolves Video YouTube[9] Q124354710
15 (Let's Get) High On Love Ivan Grech + Faculty of Social Wellbeing Video YouTube[10]
17 Inkwatru Vojt Liston Single Spotify[11]
18 L-Isbaħ Stlla Adria Twins Video YouTube[12] Q124354838
19 Let's Talk About Love Michela Galea Single[13] Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2024[14] / Spotify[15]
20 Let's Talk About Love Michela Galea Lyric video YouTube[16]
20 Wicked Games Shismu Single Spotify[17]
24 Cloudmaker Oxygyn Single Bandcamp[18]
25 Too Sexy Chris Birdd Online Spotify[19]
26 Chemicals Shaun Farrugia Video YouTube[20]
26 Girls Just Wanna Chess Galea Single Spotify[21]
26 Arrows Kyle George Single Spotify[22]
28 1964 Vince Bongailas EP Spotify[23] Q
29 Happy Birthday Kayati Single Spotify[24] Q124472078
30 Top Dog Andre Camilleri Album Bandcamp[25]
31 Happy Birthday Kayati Lyric video YouTube[26] Q124472078
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
1 Kieku Nista' Maria Zahra Brincat Video YouTube[27] / Spotify[28] Q
4 Heatwave Beck x Zak Walters Single Bandcamp[29]
8 Time Flies Red Electric Video YouTube[30] Q
9 Juliette Aidan Video YouTube[31] Q
9 Shine Moira Stafrace Video YouTube[32] Q
9 Warmth Lulu' Video YouTube[33]
9 Għanja lil Ġużi Amber Single Spotify[34] Q
10 Inti Biss The JoyGivers Video YouTube[35]
13 Ħajti Vince Bongailas Single Spotify[36] Q
13 Forty Process elPaletti EP Bandcamp[37]
13 Underground Melchior Sultana Album Bandcamp[38]
14 Sincerely, You Gaia Cauchi Single Spotify[39] Q
15 Birdsong Hannah Video YouTube[40]
17 Niġi Għandek Karm Debattista mssp Album Spotify[41]
18 Ombra mai fu Christine Dalli Video YouTube[42]
21 Kemm Nixtieq li Qed A Lily Single Bandcamp[43]
22 The Wards Outside Sceptocrypt Single Bandcamp[44]
23 Another Problem Ahead Antares Flare EP Bandcamp[45]
23 Sincerely, You Gaia Cauchi Video YouTube[46]
23 Pretend Peach Talk Single Spotify[47]
27 Catharsis Tact Video YouTube[48]
27 Midnight Sun Empire of the Ants Video YouTube[49]
27 Remember Vince Bongailas Video YouTube[50] Q
28 Out of the Darkness Owen Leuellen Album Spotify[51]
29 Waħdi Meadow Strings Video YouTube[52]
29 Nostalġija Michelle Single[53] Spotify[54]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
1 Emmint Fik Ema Vella Single Spotify[55]
1 Survivor Klinsmann Single Spotify[56] Q
1 Qalu Li Raw Coda Single Spotify[57]
1 Ġawhra F'Qalbi Janice Mangion Video YouTube[58]
2 Int u Jien Moths of Renaissance Single Facebook[59] / YouTube[60]
6 Tilwin Robert Farrugia Album Bandcamp[61]
8 Better Sides of You Dizzy Goku Single Spotify[62]
8 The Grief Aftermath Fade Into Obscurity Album[63] Bandcamp[64]
9 Il-Baħħ u Jien Christian Arding Video[65] YouTube[66]
10 Let You In Tara Formosa Single Spotify[67]
14 Language Berne Video YouTube[68] / Spotify[69]
15 L-Akbar Ġrajja: Innijiet b'Rabta mal-Passjoni tal-Mulej Ray Sciberras / Anselm Sciberras - Francesca, Paul, u Dorothy Bezzina Album CD biss imħabbra fuq Facebook[70]
15 Unum Remix Tracks Ġenn EP Bandcamp[71]
17 Count This Soular Plex / ONE11 feat. Zion not Zeeyon Video YouTube[72]
19 Survivor Klinsmann Video YouTube[73] Q
22 Toni Tagħna ONE11 Video YouTube[74]
22 Compound Oxygyn Album Vinyl only[75]
23 Happier Now Benny Blue Video YouTube[76]
23 You Want Me Claire Marante Single YouTube (audio only)[77]
23 Hell Bound Andre Camilleri Album Bandcamp[78]
23 Fallakka Tarzna EP Bandcamp[79]
24 3 Regoli Lokko Video YouTube[80]
25 Ġranet Sbieħ SterjoTipi Video YouTube[81]
26 Out of Outlaws Current Daze Lyric video YouTube[82]
27 Tħallinix A Lily Single Bandcamp[83]
31 Weġgħet Żgħar TroffaĦamra Album Bandcamp[84]
31 Soft and Clear Das Birthday Girl Album Bandcamp[85] / Spotify[86]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
3 Gatt Groove Sfera Album[87] Spotify[88]
3 Kung Fu Karate Brodu Video YouTube[89]
4 Time in Bottle Charles Busuttil & Fabrizio Fedele Single Spotify[90]
4 Meta Jaqa' l-Ħoss One11 Album[91] Spotify[92]
5 Saru l-Qamar A Lily Album[93] Bandcamp[94]
5 Kull Par Għal Paru Maria Zahra Brincat Single Spotify[95]
6 Causatum Jes Psaila - The Hinge Project Album[96] Vinyl only
11 Regional Road DJ Gorg Borg Single Spotify[97]
11 Wild Things (a live album) Alexandra Alden Album Bandcamp[98]
15 Cupid Gaia Cauchi Video YouTube[99]
15 Electrify Simon Pulo Single Bandcamp[100]
19 Kusksu Clan Brodu Album Bandcamp[101]
19 Cut, Paste, Rave N' Roll Dolls for Idols Album (reissue) Bandcamp[102]
23 Anxiety Myles Video YouTube[103]
24 Ugly Duckling Kiita-C Video YouTube[104]
26 What Are We Now? Jon Guelas + Gaia Cauchi Single Spotify[105]
26 Infinity Denzel Jo Armani feat. Drakard Single Spotify[106]
26 Trios, Had To Happen Glen Montanaro & Carsten Landors Album Spotify[107]
27 Serquli Edward Mifsud Video YouTube[108]
29 Can't Be Stopped Owen Leuellen Video YouTube[109]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
1 Peace and Love Manwel T Single Bandcamp[110]
3 Blame It On Me Wayne Single Spotify[111]
4 Heal Me Chess Galea Video YouTube[112]
5 Għanja lil Ġużi Amber Video YouTube[113]
7 Lost in the Wilderness Andre Camilleri Album Bandcamp[114]
9 Mhux il-Ħin Kym Pepe Video YouTube[115]
10 Cosmic Dance Sound Synthesis EP Bandcamp[116]
10 Ethereal Bahjat Video YouTube[117]
10 Shaw Enuff Tom Caruana Album Bandcamp[118]
11 Mingħajr Kliem (Acoustic) Keith Zammit Mintoff Video YouTube[119]
13 Teatime Chasing Pandora Video YouTube[120]
13 Rita Kapitlu Tlettax Video YouTube[121]
15 Lose Sarah Bonnici Single[122] Spotify[123]
15 The Final Chapter Sammy Murgo Album Spotify[124]
16 ok ok ok Anthea Video YouTube[125]
17 Alka Tribali Album Spotify[126]
18 Il-Ballata tal-Hiblu Tlieta Gabriel Schembri u Francesco Frendo Video YouTube[127]
19 On My Mind Jake Lyric video YouTube[128]
23 About You Kayati Video YouTube[129] Q127327719
23 Waves Berne Video YouTube[130]
24 Raġġ Edward Mifsud Album[131]
24 Blessed Ben Miller Video YouTube[132]
28 Tagħmel X'Tagħmel ONE11 Video YouTube[133]
29 Easy Love nosnow/noalps Single Bandcamp[134]
30 Sonic Expansion Acidulant EP Bandcamp[135]
31 Jewel of the Nile Chris Goa & George Curmi l-Pusé Single Spotify[136]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
2 Jail on My Mind Clinton Walletking Video YouTube[137]
6 Bloodstream Waterfall Cannonball Eyes to Argus Video YouTube[138]
7 Lost in Love Jas Rolyn Lyric video YouTube[139]
7 Sold Cheap Ħelwa Video YouTube[140]
7 Manwel T meets Zion Train Manwel T & Zion Train EP Bandcamp[141]
7 The Upside Down Carlo Muscat + Tony Tixier EP Bandcamp[142]
10 Eternità Avenue Sky Lyric video YouTube[143]
12 Memories Micimago & Ryan Hili Single Spotify[144]
12 Gass Freestyle Owen Leuellen Lyric video YouTube[145]
13 Lost in Love Jas Rolyn Video YouTube[146]
13 Over the Moon The Stents Video YouTube[147]
13 Lacrime Moët Emma Muscat Video YouTube[148]
14 Dalgħodu Kym Pepe Video YouTube[149]
14 Skarta Il-Majċa Lyric video Facebook[150]
15 Gone By Franco Tartaglia ft. Analise Mifsud Video YouTube[151]
17 John Doe 13 Years Later Single Spotify[152]
18 John Doe 13 Years Later Lyric video[153] Facebook[154]
20 Just Because Clinton Walletking Single Spotify[155]
21 Better in Pink Jessica Grech Video YouTube[156]
21 Fir-Ramla l-Ħamra The JoyGivers Video YouTube[157]
22 Tlaqna sal-Bajja Deborah C Single Spotify[158]
24 Zabbeth / Vaulderie Zabbeth / Vaulderie Album (split) Bandcamp[159]
26 Movin' Moira Stafrace Video YouTube[160]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
3 Long Wait (Medieval Rework) Robert Farrugia & Welleda Muller Single Bandcamp[161]
4 Your Piece (single) Eyes to Argus Video YouTube[162]
4 Alien Grace Alien Grace Album Bandcamp[163]
5 Hero Aidan Lyric video YouTube[164]
5 Same Old Story Midnight (feat. Joe Roscoe + Kevin Paul) Single Spotify[165]
8 Aunt Sally (Stop the Abuse) Brian Farrugia Video YouTube[166]
9 Clouds Andre Camilleri Album Bandcamp[167]
9 Tlaqna sal-Bajja Deborah C Lyric video YouTube[168]
10 Rajtek Andrew Zammit Single YouTube audio only[169]
11 Vjaġġ Sabiħ Kantera Video YouTube[170]
11 Modern Society The Rifffs Video[171] YouTube[172]
12 Memphis Mac Memphis Mac Album YouTube audio only[173]
12 Naddatta Cher Camilleri Album Spotify[174]
12 Something Real Klinsmann Single Spotify[175] Q
12 Local Popular Songs Vol.1 Capitol K Album Bandcamp[176]
17 Visions of Transcendence Simon Sammut Album[177] Bandcamp[178]
18 Happier Shaun Farrugia Video YouTube[179]
19 Reroot Eyes to Argus Album Bandcamp[180]
19 Holding Back Tara Formosa Single Spotify[181]
19 Rajtek Andrew Zammit Lyric video YouTube[182]
19 Stronger (remix) Krista Šujak Lyric video YouTube[183]
20 Manwel T meets Dubmatix Dubmatix & Manwel T EP Bandcamp[184]
25 You Never Get Enough Berne Video YouTube[185]
26 Talking Back The Busker Video YouTube[186] Q128034394
26 So Bored Kurt Kind Single Spotify[187]
27 Salt Water Neil Pantos Album Bandcamp[188]
30 Naddatta Cher Camilleri EP Bandcamp[189]ħareġ fuq Spotify fit-12 ta' Lulju 2024
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
1 Paradise Matthew James Video YouTube[190]
2 Anxiety (acoustic) - A Cinematic Experience Myles Video YouTube[191]
ara verżjoni oħra fit-23 t'April 2024
2 I Confess Megan May Single Spotify[192]
8 The Journey Scallop Studios EP Spotify[193]
8 The Journey to the Elder of the Shell Scallop Studios Video YouTube[194]
8 It's Alright Kodin Video YouTube[195]
8 Thank You Karm Debattista mssp Single Spotify[196]
9 S.W.E.A.T. Kelsey Bellante Video YouTube[197]
14 Synthetic Panic Current Daze Single Spotify[198]
15 Medieval [+] Ambient Robert Farrugia EP Bandcamp[199]
19 Modern Society Dub - Manwel T Mix The Rifffs Single Bandcamp[200]
19 Prescription Chess Galea Video YouTube[201]
19 Something Real Klinsmann Video YouTube[202]
single maħruġa fit-12 ta' Ġunju 2024
24 Once Again Patryk Cutajar Single Spotify[203]
27 Prescription (Acoustic Version) Chess Galea Video YouTube[204]
27 Losing Sleep Gail, Sacco, Cathy K Single[205] Spotify[206]
28 Għidli Min Kapitlu Tlettax feat. Jessica Video YouTube[207]
29 Ghost of the Blues Lighthouse Video YouTube[208]
30 Sometime Soon Ryan Hili & Timea Farr Single[209] Spotify[210]
30 Submission From Sheep to Wolves Video YouTube[211]
31 Once Again Patryk Cutajar Video YouTube[212]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
1 Timeless Romance Geo Debono Video[213] YouTube[214]
4 Lies Maria Cini Video YouTube[215]
5 One and Only Lyndsay Video YouTube[216]
5 Celestial Rhymes of Conviction Current Daze Album Spotify[217]
5 Red Light Nicole Frendo feat. Matt Blxck Video YouTube[218]
7 Nowhere Andre Camilleri EP Bandcamp[219]
14 Morsa Skald Album[220]
17 Oh No The Rifffs Single Bandcamp[221]
18 20XX (An Open Letter to Myself) Myles Video YouTube[222]
18 Silly Working Mule Charlie Busuttil Single Audio only on YouTube[223]
18 Nightmares X-Tend Video Facebook[224]
20 One-Time Story Chasing Pandora Video YouTube[225]
23 Destinazzjoni SterjoTipi Video YouTube[226]
23 Heart of the Med Dean Muscat Single Spotify[227]
25 Oh No The Rifffs Video YouTube[228]
26 Love You Like That Sarah Bonnici Video YouTube[229]
26 1984–2024 X-Tend Album Spotify[230]
28 Fil-Ħolm 1905 Single Spotify[231]
Data Titlu Artist/i Mod Referenzi u/jew noti Wikidata
3 Paint Sniffing Survivors Fake Ophelia Video YouTube[232]
4 Paint Sniffing Survivors Fake Ophelia Single Bandcamp[233]
4 Orqod (that bb mix) Joon SIngle Bandcamp[234]
4 Boogeyman Chess Galea Video YouTube[235]
5 The Weight Of It All Chasing Pandora Album[236] Bandcamp[237]
  1. ^ "Haww, by elPaletti". elPaletti (bil-Malti). 2 Jannar 2024. Miġbur 2024-01-08.
  2. ^ Zinga, Jay (5 Jannar 2024). "Hey Lover". Spotiify.
  3. ^ Zinga, Jay (5 Jannar 2024). "Hey Lover". YouTube.
  4. ^ "Bloat Drone, by Lady Lizard". Lady Lizard (bl-Ingliż). 8 Jannar 2024. Miġbur 2024-01-08.
  5. ^ Lady Lizard (8 Jannar 2024). "Bloat Drone". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  6. ^ Chasing Pandora (10 Jannar 2024). "Feel the Rain". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  7. ^ "BLATA, by is-Suffarin". is-Suffarin (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-01-19.
  8. ^ Hearts Beating in Time (11 Jan 2024). "Semgħet id-Daqq (HBIT remix)". Soundcloud (bil-Malti).
  9. ^ From Sheep to Wolves (11 Jannar 2024). "Rejection". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  10. ^ Grech, Ivan; Faculty of Social Wellbeing. "(Let's Get) High On Love". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  11. ^ Liston (17 Jannar 2024). "Inkwatru Vojt". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  12. ^ Adria Twins (18 Jan 2024). "L-Isbaħ Stilla". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  13. ^ "Michela Galea releases single". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-01-26. Miġbur 2024-01-26.
  14. ^ Newsroom, minn TVM (2024-01-20). "Michela Galea b'kanzunetta ġdida dwar l-imħabba" (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-01-20.
  15. ^ Galea, Michela (19 Jan 2024). "Let's Talk About Love". Spotify. Miġbur 2024-01-20.
  16. ^ Galea, Michela (20 Jan 2024). "Let's Talk About Love (lyric video)". YouTube.
  17. ^ Shismu (20 Jan 2024). "Wicked Games". Spotify.
  18. ^ "Cloudmaker, by Oxygyn". 141 Records (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-02-07.
  19. ^ Birdd, Chris (25 January 2024). "Too Sexy". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  20. ^ Farrugia, Shaun (26 Jan 2024). "Chemicals". YouTube.
  21. ^ Galea, Chess (26 Jan 2024). "Girls Just Wanna". Spotify.
  22. ^ George, Kyle (26 Jannar 2024). "Arrows". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  23. ^ Bogailas, Vince (28 Jannar 2024). "1964". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  24. ^ Kayati (29 Jan 2024). "Happy Birthday". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  25. ^ "Top Dog, by Andre Camilleri". Andre Camilleri (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-08.
  26. ^ Kayati (31 Jan 2024). "Happy Birthday (Lyric Video)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  27. ^ Zahra Brincat, Maria (1 Feb 2024). "Kieku Nista'". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  28. ^ Zahra Brincat, Maria (1 Feb 2024). "Kieku Nista'". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  29. ^ "Heatwave, by Beck X Zack Walters". 141 Records (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-02-10.
  30. ^ Red Electric. "Time Flies". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  31. ^ Cassar, Aidan (9 Feb 2024). "Juliette". YouTube (bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż).
  32. ^ Stafrace, Moira. "Shine". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  33. ^ Lulu'. "Warmth". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  34. ^ Bondin, Amber (9 Feb 2024). "Għanja lil Ġużi". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  35. ^ The JoyGivers. "Inti Biss". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  36. ^ Bongailas, Vince (13 Feb 2024). "Ħajti". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  37. ^ "Forty - five ... in Process, by elPaletti". elPaletti (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-12.
  38. ^ "Underground, by Melchior Sultana". Profound Sound Music (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-28.
  39. ^ Cauchi, Gaia (14 Feb 2024). "Sincerely, You". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  40. ^ Theuma, Hannah (15 Frar 2024). "Birdsong". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  41. ^ Debattista, Karm (17 Feb 2024). "Niġi Għandek". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  42. ^ Dalli, Christine (18 Feb 2024). "Ombra mai fu". YouTube (bit-Taljan).
  43. ^ "Kemm Nixtieq Li Qed, by A Lily". Kewn Records (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  44. ^ "The Wards Outside (2024), by sceptocrypt". Sceptocrypt (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-27.
  45. ^ "Another Problem Ahead, by Antares Flare". Antares Flare (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-09.
  46. ^ Cauchi, Gaiia (12 Feb 2024). "Sincerely, You". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  47. ^ Peach Talk (23 Frar 2024). "Pretend". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  48. ^ Tact (27 Feb 2024). "Catharsis". YouTube.
  49. ^ Empire of the Ants (27 February 2024). "Midnight Sun". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  50. ^ Bongailas, Vince (27 Frar 2024). "Remember". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  51. ^ Leuellen, Owen (28 Frar 2024). "Out of the Darkness". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  52. ^ Meadow Strings (29 Feb 2024). "Waħdi". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  53. ^ Zammit, Frederick (12 Marzu 2024). "Michelle ta' The Mics b'kanzunetta li ġġedded ftit memorji mill-imgħoddi". Newsbook (bil-Malti).
  54. ^ Micallef, Michelle (29 Frar 2024). "Nostalġija". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  55. ^ Vella, Ema (1 Marzu 2024). "Emmit Fik". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  56. ^ Klinsmann (1 March 2024). "Survivor". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  57. ^ Coda (1 Marzu 2024). "Qalu Li Raw". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  58. ^ Mangion, Janice (1 Marzu 2024). "Ġawhra F'Qalbi". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  59. ^ Moths of Renaissance (2 Marzu 2024). "Int u Jien". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  60. ^ Moths of Renaissance (3 Marzu 2024). "Int u Jien". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  61. ^ "Tilwin, by Robert Farrugia". DRONARIVM (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-17.
  62. ^ Goku, Dizzy (8 March 2024). "Better Sides of You". Spotify (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-30.
  63. ^ Joslin, Ben Mifsud (2024-05-25). "The Album That Took Ten Years to Exist – In Conversation with fade into obscurity". Miġbur 2024-06-20.
  64. ^ "the grief aftermath, by fade into obscurity". fade into obscurity (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-20.
  65. ^ "Video for 'L-Għanja tal-Poplu' winning song launched". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-03-08. Miġbur 2024-03-09.
  66. ^ Arding, Christian (9 Marzu 2024). "Il-Baħħ u Jien". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  67. ^ Formosa, Tara (10 Marzu 2024). "Let You In". Spotify (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  68. ^ Berne (14 Marzu 2024). "Language". YouTube.
  69. ^ Berne (14 Marzu 2024). "Language". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  70. ^ Kunsill Lokali tal-Ħamrun (15 Marzu 2024). "L-Akbar Ġrajja". Facebook (bil-Malti).
  71. ^ "unum remix tracks, by ĠENN". ĠENN (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-26.
  72. ^ ONE11 (17 Marzu 2024). "Soular Plex - Count This". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  73. ^ Klinsmann (19 Marzu 2024). "Survivor". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  74. ^ ONE11 (22 Marzu 2024). "Toni Tagħna". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  75. ^ "OXYGYN | COMPOUND Album Launch". Trackage Scheme. Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  76. ^ Benny Blue (23 Marzu 2024). "Happier Now". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  77. ^ Marante, Claire (23 Marzu 2024). "You Want Me". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  78. ^ "Hell Bound, by Andre Camilleri". Andre Camilleri (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-12.
  79. ^ "Fallakka, by Tarzna". Tarzna (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-13.
  80. ^ Lokko (24 March 2024). "3 Regoli". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  81. ^ SterjoTipi (25 Marzu 2024). "Granet Sbieħ". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  82. ^ Current Daze (26 March 2024). "Out of Outlaws". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  83. ^ "Tħallinix, by A Lily". Kewn Records (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-03-27.
  84. ^ TroffaĦamra. "Weġgħat Żgħar". TroffaĦamra (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  85. ^ "Soft and Clear, by Das Birthday Girl". Das Birthday Girl (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-04.
  86. ^ Das Birthday Girl (31 Marzu 2024). "Soft and Clear". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  87. ^ "Events Archive". Fondazzjoni Kreattività (bl-Ingliż). 2024-03-16. Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  88. ^ Sfera (5 April 2024). "Gatt Groove". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  89. ^ Brodu (3 April 2024). "Kung Fu Karate". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  90. ^ Busuttil, Charles; Fedele, Fabrizio (4 April 2024). "Time in a Bottle". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  91. ^ "Hip-hop rising star ONE11 releases album". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-04-10. Miġbur 2024-04-10.
  92. ^ ONE11 (4 April 2024). "Meta Jaqa' l-Ħoss". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  93. ^ Magr, Giuiia (2024-03-31). "Watch: How the haunting voices of Maltese emigrants inspired new music". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-01.
  94. ^ "Saru l-Qamar, by A Lily". Kewn Records (bil-Malti). Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  95. ^ Zahra Brincat, Maria (5 April 2024). "Kull Par Għal Paru". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  96. ^ "Jes Psaila The Hinge Project - 'Causatum' - Album Launch". Miġbur 2024-03-16.
  97. ^ DJ Gorg Borg (11 April 2024). "Regional Road". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  98. ^ "wild things (a live album), by Alexandra Alden". Alexandra Alden (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-02.
  99. ^ Cauchi, Gaia (15 April 2024). "Cupid". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  100. ^ "Electrify, by Simon Pulo". Profound Sound Music (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-01.
  101. ^ "Kusksu Clan, by Brodu". Brodu (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-25.
  102. ^ "Cut, Paste, Rave N' Roll, by Dolls For Idols". Kewn Records (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-01.
  103. ^ Azzopardi, Myles (23 April 2024). "Anxiety". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  104. ^ Kiita-C (24 April 2024). "Ugly Duckling". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  105. ^ Guelas, Jon; Cauchi, Gaia (26 April 2024). "What Are We Now?".
  106. ^ Armani, Denzel Jo (26 April 2024). "Infinity". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  107. ^ Montanaro, Glen; Landors, Carsten (24 April 2024). "Trios, Had To Happen". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  108. ^ Mifsud, Edward (27 April 2024). "Serquli". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  109. ^ Leuellen, Owen (29 April 2024). "Can't Be Stopped". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  110. ^ "Peace And Love, by MANWEL T". MANWEL T (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-01.
  111. ^ _, Wayne (3 May 2024). "Blame It On Me". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).Manutenzjoni CS1: ismijiet bħala numri: authors list (link)
  112. ^ Galea, Chess (4 May 2024). "Heal Me". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  113. ^ Bondin, Amber (5 Mejju 2024). "Għanja lil Ġużi". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  114. ^ "Lost In The Wilderness, by Andre Camilleri". Andre Camilleri (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-08.
  115. ^ Pepe, Kym (9 Mejju 2024). "Mhux il-Ħin". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  116. ^ "Cosmic Dance, by Sound Synthesis". Eudemonia (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-04-15.
  117. ^ Bahjat (10 Mejju 2024). "Ethereal". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  118. ^ "Shaw Enuff, by Tom Caruana". Tom Caruana (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-10.
  119. ^ Zammit Mintoff, Keith (11 Mejju 2024). "Mingħajr Kliem". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  120. ^ Chasing Pandora (13 May 2024). "Teatime". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  121. ^ Kapitlu Tlettax (13 Mejju 2024). "Rita". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  122. ^ MaltaDaily (2024-05-11). "Sarah Bonnici Announces New Song Days After Eurovision Performance" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-11.
  123. ^ Bonnici, Sarah (15 Mejju 2024). "Lose". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  124. ^ Murgo, Sammy (15 Mejju 2024). "The Final Chapter". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  125. ^ Gatt, Anthea (16 Mejju 2024). "ok ok ok". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  126. ^ Tribali (17 Mejju 2024). "Alka". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  127. ^ Schembri, Gabriel; Frendo, Francesco. "Il-Ballata tal-Hiblu Tlieta". YouTube (bil-Malti). Miġbur 18 Mejju 2024.
  128. ^ Bartolo, Jake (19 Mejju 2024). "On My Mind". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  129. ^ Kayati (23 Mejju 2024). "About You". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  130. ^ Berne (23 Mejju 2024). "Waves". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  131. ^ "Orchestral progressive rock concert to be held at Astra Theatre". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-05-08. Miġbur 2024-05-08.
  132. ^ Miller, Ben (24 Mejju 2024). "Blessed". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  133. ^ ONE11 (28 Mejju 2024). "Tagħmel X'Tagħmel". YouTubew (bil-Malti).
  134. ^ "Easy Love, by nosnow/noalps". nosnow/noalps (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-31.
  135. ^ "Sonic Expansion, by Acidulant". Gated (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-10.
  136. ^ Goa, Chris; Curmi l-Pusé, George (31 Mejju 2024). "Jewel of the Nile". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  137. ^ Walletking, Clinton (2 Ġunju 2024). "Jail on My Mind". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  138. ^ Eyes to Argus (6 Ġunju 2024). "Bloodstream Waterfall Cannonball". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  139. ^ Rolyn, Jas (7 Ġunju 2024). "Lost in Love (Lyric Video)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  140. ^ Hickey, Jim (7 Ġunju 2024). "Sold Cheap". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  141. ^ "MANWEL T meets ZION TRAIN, by Zion Train & Manwel T". MANWEL T (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-07.
  142. ^ "The Upside Down, by Carlo Muscat and Tony Tixier". Carlo Muscat (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-17.
  143. ^ Avenue Sky (10 Ġunju 2024). "Eternità". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  144. ^ Micimago; Hili, Ryan (12 Ġunju 2024). "Memories". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  145. ^ Luellen, Owen (12 Ġunju 2024). "Gass Freestyle (Lyric Video)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  146. ^ Rolyn, Jas (13 Ġunju 2024). "Lost in Love (Official Video)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  147. ^ The Stents (13 Ġunju 2024). "Over the Moon". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  148. ^ Muscat, Emma (13 Ġunju 2024). "Lacrime Moët". YouTube (bit-Taljan).
  149. ^ Pepe, Kym (14 Ġunju 2024). "Filgħodu". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  150. ^ Lanzon, Eugenio (14 Ġunju 2024). "Skarta". Facebook (bil-Malti).
  151. ^ Tartaglia, Franco; Mifsud, Analise (15 Ġunju 2024). "Gone By". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  152. ^ 13 Years Later (17 Ġunju 2024). "John Doe". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  153. ^ Zammit, Frederick (23 Ġunju 2024). "13 Years Later lura fix-xena mużikali Maltija". Newsbook (bil-Malti).
  154. ^ 13 Years Later (18 Ġunju 2024). "John Doe (lyric video)". Facebook (bl-Ingliż).
  155. ^ Walletking, Clinton (20 Ġunju 2024). "Just Because". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  156. ^ Grech, Jessica (21 Ġunju 2024). "Better in Pink". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  157. ^ The JoyGivers (21 Ġunju 2024). "Fir-Ramla l-Ħamra". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  158. ^ C, Deborah (22 Ġunju 2024). "Tlaqna sal-Bajja". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  159. ^ "Zabbeth/Vaulderie, by ZABBETH, VAULDERIE". ZABBETH (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-05-23.
  160. ^ Stafrace, Moira (26 Ġunju 2024). "Movin'". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  161. ^ "Long Wait (Medieval Rework), by Robert Farrugia, Welleda Muller". Robert Farrugia (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-22.
  162. ^ Eyes to Argus (4 Lulju 2024). "Your Piece". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  163. ^ "Alien Grace, by Alien Grace". Alien Grace (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-26.
  164. ^ Cassar, Aidan (5 Lulju 2024). "Hero (lyric video)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  165. ^ Midnight; Roscoe, Joe; Paul, Kevin. "Same Old Story". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  166. ^ Farrugia, Brian (8 Lulju 2024). "Aunt Sally (Stop the Abuse)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  167. ^ "Clouds, by Andre Camilleri". Andre Camilleri (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-09.
  168. ^ C, Deborah (9 Lulju 2024). "Tlaqna sal-Bajja". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  169. ^ Zammit, Andrew (10 Lulju 2024). "Rajtek". YouTube (via CDBaby) (bil-Malti).
  170. ^ Kantera (11 Lulju 2024). "Vjaġġ Sabiħ". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  171. ^ "The Rifffs are back with a new single". Times of Malta (bl-Ingliż). 2024-07-11. Miġbur 2024-07-11.
  172. ^ The Rifffs (11 Lulju 2024). "Modern Society". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  173. ^ Memphis Mac (12 Lulju 2024). "Memphis Mac". YouTube playlist (bl-Ingliż).
  174. ^ Camilleri, Cher (12 Lulju 2024). "Naddatta". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  175. ^ Coleiro, Klinsmann (12 Lulju 2024). "Something Real". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  176. ^ "Local Popular Song Vol.1, by Capitol K". Capitol K (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-26.
  177. ^ "Simon Sammut - Shop". Miġbur 2024-07-27.
  178. ^ "Visions of Transcendence, by Simon Sammut". Simon Sammut (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-08-01.
  179. ^ Farrugia, Shaun (18 Lulju 2024). "Happier". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  180. ^ "Reroot, by Eyes to Argus". Eyes to Argus (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-08.
  181. ^ Formosa, Tara (19 Lulju 2024). "Holding Back". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  182. ^ Zammit, Andrew (19 Lulju 2024). "Rajtek (FILMAT BIL-LIRIKA)". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  183. ^ Šujak, Krista (19 Lulju 2024). "Stronger (remix)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  184. ^ "MANWEL T meets DUBMATIX, by Dubmatix & Manwel T". MANWEL T (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-22.
  185. ^ Berne (25 Lulju 2024). "You Never Get Enough". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  186. ^ The Busker (26 Lulju 2024). "Talking Back". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  187. ^ Kind, Kurt (26 July 2024). "So Bored". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-08-03.
  188. ^ "Salt Water, by Neil Pantos". Battibatti (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-28.
  189. ^ "NADDATTA, by Cher Camilleri". Cher Camilleri (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-07-30.
  190. ^ Borg, Matthew James (1 Awwissu 2024). "Paradise". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  191. ^ Azzopardi, Myles (2 Awwissu 2024). "Anxiety - A Cinematic Experience". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  192. ^ May, Megan (2 Awwissu 2024). "I Confess". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  193. ^ Scallop Studios (8 Awwissu 2024). "The Journey". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  194. ^ Scallop Studios (8 Awwissu 2024). "The Journey to the Elder of the Shell". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  195. ^ Kodin (8 Awwissu 2024). "It's Alright". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  196. ^ Debattista, Karm (8 Awwissu 2024). "Thank you". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  197. ^ Bellante, Kelsey (9 Awwissu 2024). "S.W.E.A.T." YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  198. ^ Current Daze (14 Awwissu 2024). "Synthetic Panic". Spotify (bil-Malti).
  199. ^ "Medieval [+] Ambient, by Robert Farrugia" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-08-21.
  200. ^ "Modern Society Dub - Manwel T Mix, by The Rifffs MT" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-08-19.
  201. ^ Galea, Chess (19 Awwissu 2024). "Prescription". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  202. ^ Coleiro, Klinsmann (19 Awwissu 2024). "Something Real". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  203. ^ Cutajar, Patryk (24 Awwissu 2024). "Once Again". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  204. ^ Galea, Chess (27 Awwissu 2024). "Prescription (Acoustic Version)". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  205. ^ "Losing Sleep - Press Release". (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-08-30.
  206. ^ Sacco, Glenn; Attard, Gail; Cathy K. "Losing Sleep". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  207. ^ Kapitlu Tlettax feat. Jessica (28 Awwissu 2024). "Għidli Min". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  208. ^ Lighthouse (29 Awwissu 2024). "Ghost of the Blues". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  209. ^ Zammit, Frederick (31 Awwissu 2024). "Ryan Hili u Timea Farr jikkollaboraw flimikien b'Sometime Soon". Newsbook (bil-Malti).
  210. ^ Hili, Ryan; Farr, Timea (30 Awwissu 2024). "Sometime Soon". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  211. ^ From Sheep to Wolves (30 Awwissu 2024). "Submission". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  212. ^ Cutajar, Patryk (31 Awwissu 2024). "Once Again". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  213. ^ Zammit, Frederick (4 Settembru 2024). "Ballata Romantika mill-Kantawtur Geo Debono". Newsbook.
  214. ^ Debono, Geo (1 Settembru 2024). "Timeless Romance". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  215. ^ Cini, Maria (4 Settembru 2024). "Lies". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  216. ^ Pace, Lyndsay (5 Settembru 2024). "One and Only". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  217. ^ Current Daze (5 Settembru 2024). "Celestial Rhymes of Conviction". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  218. ^ Frendo, Nicole; Blxck, Matt. "Red Light". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  219. ^ Camilleri, Andre (7 Settembru 2024). "Nowhere". Bandcamp (bl-Ingliż).
  220. ^ "SKALD MORSA". FM Group (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-06-17.
  221. ^ "Oh No, by The Rifffs MT" (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-09-23.
  222. ^ Azzopardi, Myles (18 Settembru 2024). "20XX". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  223. ^ Busuttil, Charlie (18 Settembru 2024). "Silly Worrking Mule". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  224. ^ X-Tend (18 Settembru 2024). "Nightmares". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  225. ^ Chasing Pandora (20 Settembru 2024). "One-Time Story". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  226. ^ SterjoTipi (23 Settembru 2024). "Destinazzjoni". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  227. ^ Muscat, Dean (23 Settembru 2024). "Heart of the Med". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  228. ^ The Rifffs (25 Settembru 2025). "Oh No". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  229. ^ Bonnici, Sarah (26 Settembru 2024). "Love You Like That". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  230. ^ X-Tend (26 Settembru 2024). "X-Tend 1984–2024". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).
  231. ^ 1905 (28 Settembru 2024). "Fil-Ħolm". Spotify (bl-Ingliż).Manutenzjoni CS1: ismijiet bħala numri: authors list (link)
  232. ^ Fake Ophelia (3 Ottubru 2024). "Paint Sniffing Survivors". YouTube (bil-Malti).
  233. ^ "Paint Sniffing Survivors, by Fake Ophelia". Fake Ophelia (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-10-04.
  234. ^ "Orqod (that bb Remix), by JOON". JOON (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-10-04.
  235. ^ Galea, Chess (4 Ottubru 2024). "Boogeyman". YouTube (bl-Ingliż).
  236. ^ Team, Melodija (2024-09-17). "Chasing Pandora - press release". Melodija (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-10-02.
  237. ^ "The Weight Of It All, by Chasing Pandora". Chasing Pandora (bl-Ingliż). Miġbur 2024-10-02.