It shall be permissible to reproduce, through paintings, drawings, photographs or cinematographic films, works that are permanently placed on public roads, streets or squares, and to distribute and communicate to the public such reproductions of the works. With regards to the works of architecture, this provision shall only be applicable to the external appearance.[23/1982–2023 Art 39]
li taqsam – li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u tittrażmetti din l-opra
li timmodifika – li tadatta l-biċċa xogħol
Taħt il-kundizzjonijiet segwenti:
attribuzzjoni – Għandek tattribwixxi x-xogħol bil-mod speċifikat mill-awtur jew minn min ta l-l-iċenzja (imma mhux b'xi mod li jissuġġerixxi ji jappoġjaw lilek jew l-użu tax-xogħol). BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue
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