List OAuth applications
- Application name
- Consumer version
- 2.1
- OAuth protocol version
- OAuth 1.0a
- Publisher
- BStorm (WMF)
- Status
- approved
- Description
- PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords.
- Owner-only
- Le
- Applicable project
- All projects
- OAuth "callback URL"
- Allow consumer to specify a callback in requests and use "callback" URL above as a required prefix.
- Le
- Applicable grants
- Perform high volume activity
- Immodifikar f'kwantità kbira
- Interaġixxi mal-paġni
- Immodifika paġni eżistenti ;Oħloq, immodifika, u caqlaq il-paġni ;Patrol changes to pages
- Interaġixxi mal-fajls tal-multimedia
- Tella' fajls ġodda ;Tella', biddel, u caqlaq fajls
- Perform administrative actions
- Reġġa' lura tibdliet tal-paġni
- Interaġixxi mal-lista tiegħek ta' paġni osservati
- Ara l-lista ta' paġni osservati tiegħek
- Miscellaneous activity
- Immodifika l-lista tiegħek ta' paġni osservati