Diskussjoni utent:Joelemaltais/2005

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Arkivju tas-Sena: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 (Attwali) Biex inżomm ħoloq permanenti inressaq id-diskussjoni f'arkivju tas-sena kurrenti. // To maintain permalinks I move all discussions to an archive for the current year.

Messaġġi ġol-Flixkun[immodifika s-sors]

Message to Srl

Hi, this is really great. My full admiration. :)

Have some questions:

  • ISBN Links apparently has not yet been fired up or configured in Language.php -
/* private */ $wgBookstoreListEn = array(
	"AddALL" => "http://www.addall.com/New/Partner.cgi?query=$1&type=ISBN",
	"PriceSCAN" => "http://www.pricescan.com/books/bookDetail.asp?isbn=$1",
	"Barnes & Noble" => "http://shop.barnesandnoble.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=$1",
	"Amazon.com" => "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=$1"

I think it would be hackish to keep transcluding the ISBN request through a template. Thus here a request to set up ISBN Links.

  • I think it is really nice you put the special chars in the edit template, however all these tikkek are driving me nuts - more the so since I hate the mouse.

I could set up a decent editor, however I have processes in the background which need a German locale. Apart from the fact that I keep switching boxes. a) I either tweak a template in VI and work from terminal b) I be more social and tweak a script to transform special chars on the basis of morphological inference (maybe possible in js [1] (script is crap... only works in IE). however MaltaGirl told me that there is an online spellchecker - which makes life a bit easier but not that easy since it does not catch dashes connecting articles to the lexemes... I'm very lazy in that respect... and maltese was apparently created with a strong wish to kill time :P. I'll see what I can do there.

question: for the time being it would really make life easier if we coud set up shortcuts for the specialchars.. is that possible? am I maybe missing something?

  • I am using Template:Anb and Template:An for Footnotes (cf. article Antonio Sciortino is this OK or would you recommend something else.

Thnx for now and no hassle..

G. --Joelemaltais 21:24, 17 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Hi, if you want to leave me a message simply go to User talk:Srl - and you also have one at User talk:Joelemaltais - I will try to work on these issues meta għandi ċans. What do you mean by shortcuts? Srl | lblb 21:37, 17 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Hi Joelemaltais, I'm w:User:Nichalp. I am trying to add as many interwiki links to w:India. Would you be kind enough to add a line to the Maltese version of India and link to it at the English wikipedia? Thanks, 17:42, 29 Mej 2005 (UTC)

that would be Indja .. no page yet, but i'll add one over at en. Srl | lblb 18:05, 29 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Joe, please don't add the categories Category:Twieldu fis-Seklu 16 etc to people.. you can get to that in just a couple clicks by going to the twieldu fl-1523 etc links. If you have any comments on the year structure please let me know. I'm not sure how much it has been reviewed. Srl | lblb 18:18, 3 Ġun 2005 (UTC)

Hi, ok.. in fact I was first wondering how best to tie in a perlscript to do the job till it occurred to me that the templates do the job :°>.Comment: It's a cool idea..onyl Twieldu|Mietu fl-{9990}s is wrong spellingwise. I would guess -ijiet. I asked but nobody confirmed yet. I'll try and document the year categories and their usage together with the rendering of the overview by the respective templates tomorrow. Now off to bed..--Joelemaltais 23:19, 3 Ġun 2005 (UTC)

See Category talk:Snin for discussion. I know, i know the 'mietu fl9990s' is probably wrong, and i will be happy to fix them if i get corrections.. Srl | lblb 08:48, 4 Ġun 2005 (UTC)

...pour le message de bienvenue. Ça c'est clair, j'aime bien me balader sur les « petits » wikis (qui ne demandent qu'à devenir grands, d'ailleurs). Ça doit être une manière perverse de lutter contre un supposé hégémonisme anglo-saxon :o). Pour être sérieux, j'aimerais bien que plus de monde fasse des interwikis, mais on ne peut pas forcer les gens à en faire. re-:o) Hégésippe | ±Θ± 00:24, 10 Ġun 2005 (UTC)

Użu aktar korrett ta' l-ilsien miktub.[immodifika s-sors]

Joe, nissuġġerixxi li ma jintużawx kliem bħal "ser", jew "qed" u taqsiriet oħra bħal dawn fil-kitba. Dawn huma kliem li ngħiduhom meta nitħaddtu imma m'humiex suppost jinkitbu. Niktbu, Sejjer, sejra, sejrin, qiegħed, qiegħda,.. etc. Għadni ma nafx kif tibdel din in-nota li hemm fit-tabella ta' fuq "L-ewwel Konferenza Internazzjonali tal-Wikimedia ser issir fi Frankfurt bejn l-4 u t-8 t'Awwissu, 2005." Jekk tista', ibdel "ser" f'"sejra".

Għażiż Saviour, grazzi ħafna tal pariri :°). It-tabella ta' fuq hija 'template' li tista tiġi mibdula mill Amministraturi biss( Roderick Mallia u Srl. L-aħja tħallilhom messaġġ fil-paġni tad-diskussjonijiet tagħhom.--Joelemaltais 11:43, 13 Lulju 2005 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Bir-rispett kollu, qed u ser u anka se huma "tajbin" daqs sejjer, sejra, sejrin u qiegħed, qiegħda, qegħdin. Kulma huma taqsiriet (fit-taħdit u fil-kitba) bħal m'għandhom il-lingwi l-oħrajn. Ma nafx minn fejn ġibtuha din ta' x'suppost jinkiteb u jintqal. Għala toħnoq il-kulur fil-lingwa li dejjem tara kif tikkomunika ekonomikament? --Ferdinand 15:17, 25 Settembru 2005 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Message to[immodifika s-sors]

Dear unregistered user, I suppose there must be some misunderstanding - could you point out where on that site you could find encyclopedic information on calligraphy?