Diskussjoni:Broken/Wikipedija\x3aL-a\xc4\xa7\xc4\xa7ar a\xc4\xa7barjiet
Srl, maybe you could fill in a couple of dates as well. You were here before me after all :P --Roderick Mallia 10:54, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
That's better :) --Roderick Mallia 16:26, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
We should keep records of certain milestones: 100 articles, 50 users, and so on. Pity we don't have those dates handy :( --Roderick Mallia 17:13, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
- I wrote the 'mija?' when we were close to 100.. don't know the exact date though. Hmm, the 100th oldest article's date might count! By 8th july we had 100.. Srl | lblb 23:38, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
Ibda diskussjoni dwar Broken/Wikipedija\x3aL-a\xc4\xa7\xc4\xa7ar a\xc4\xa7barjiet
Il-paġni ta' dikussjoni huma lok fejn wieħed jista' jiddiskuti kif il-kontenut tal-Wikipedija jista' jiġi mtejjeb. Tista' tuża din il-paġna biex tibda diskussjoni ma' oħrajn fuq kif ittejjeb il-paġna Broken/Wikipedija\x3aL-a\xc4\xa7\xc4\xa7ar a\xc4\xa7barjiet.