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Diskussjoni:Antonio Sciortino

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  • Thanks to Roderick and also Thanks to MaltaGirl - since her meticulous check yesterday, I changed, and wrote new stuff with new mistakes. Please keep watching and spare me embarressment. I'll try and fill in the remaining gap as soon as possible.

--Joelemaltais 22:44, 16 Mej 2005 (UTC)

  • Schevchenko is written in the same way (can you please add the name as well and link it to its respective article page). Regarding trunk, 'zokk' is actually the trunk of the tree in Maltese. The branches are known as 'friegħi'.

I also took the initiative to correct some minor spelling mistakes and add links. Otherwise, very well done.

--Roderick Mallia 17:44, 16 Mej 2005 (UTC)

PS - Regarding documents I'll try and check if I can find something available although it might take some time to do since I'm busy preparing for my exams at the moment. In fact I think I should be studying anatomy at the moment...

  • Great work Joelemaltais!

--Roderick Mallia 05:02, 16 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Prosit.. l-ewwel qari tiegħi.. comments:

ok, makes sense, as a mater of fact the interwiki was just a reminder and pint of reference for me to do it later ..but I sometimes forget that the day only has 24h :P
  • There are more links that could be made, such as akkademja Brittanika ta' l-Arti. I added a couple.
I'm not sure that category is OK.... I'll leave a message about that on wikipedia:Pjazza
well, make up a category that it needs..

Prosit mill-ġdid ! Srl | lblb 18:27, 28 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Thanks :)) JLM
m'hemmx iminiex Srl | lblb 16:59, 29 Mej 2005 (UTC)
  • Jekk xiħadd jixtieq jikkontribwixxi ritratti ta' xogħol ta' Sciortino jew ta' Sciortino innifsu, jiena u il-komunità inkunu ingrati ħafna. Importanti li dawn ma jkunux koperti mid-drittijiet ta' l-awtur (copyright - ©) .--joelemaltais / tħaddet 15:11, 22 Ġunju 2007 (UTC)[wieġeb]