Utent:Roderick Mallia/Arkivji

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

http://mt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-pierre_sammut[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi Roderick,

X'taħseb dwar http://mt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-pierre_sammut? Tidher wisq paġna kummerċjali!

Evan Camilleri 13:52, 19 Settembru 2006 (UTC)

Europe vs European Union[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi Roderick,

I have only a general comprehension of Maltese but it struck me that in what you are writing you aren't making the nessecary distinction between Europe and the European Union. Europe includes countries that are not EU members: Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Albania, Serbia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Iceland....................... so it's important that we make this distinction in all Wikipedias. Also, I don't know why you're adding Maltese interwiki links at the bottom of Maltese pages. It is redundant - it is a link to the same page you are already on, so it isn't displayed properly. --Node ue 06:59, 8 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Interface[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi Roderick,

I'd like to remind you that you can translate the user interface to Maltese: Special:Allmessages. --Node ue 06:24, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Wikipedia: vs Wikipedija:[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

MediaWiki:Administrators should be 'Wikipedia: .. ' not 'Wikipedija:' for now. That is used as a link. I see you changed it back.. well, at least until we can rename the Wikipedia namespace.. Otherwise you link to an article in the main area labelled: Wikipedija:.. etc. Srl | lblb 16:19, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)

burocrat[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

you can now go to Special:Makesysop and make others sysops. --Srl | lblb 07:46, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Hey, could you translate Template:Stub and Template:Mhux bil-Malti if you get a change? thanks! Srl | lblb 04:37, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Sure. I'll start working on them as soon as I get a chance. --Roderick Mallia 04:39, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)
thanks. hey, i actually finished .. oops.. ħa ngħidlek, issa issa spiċċajt l-ewwel kotba li qrajt bil malti mil-ewwel sat-tmiem.. ta' trevor Ż .. u jrrespondi għalija blemail .. anyways your translation looks good thanks.. saħħa.. Srl | lblb 06:28, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Irrispondik bl-email? Wow! Tajjeb! Jikteb sabiħ ħafna Trevor. U prosit talli qrajt il-kotba kollha sat-tmiem :o) Saħħa! --Roderick Mallia 07:20, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Idea Tajba[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Għoġbitni l-idea ta' seħibna Joelemaltais li għamel lista ta' artikli li bi ħsiebu jikteb; infatti ideċidejt li nadottaha jien ukoll. Idea tajba kieku kull min huwa interessat jikkontribwixxi jagħmel lista simili sabiex il-users l-oħrajn ikunu jafu x'suġġetti hemm disponibbli għalihom, u xejn xejn ikollna idea ħafifa ta' kif qed jiżvolġi x-xogħol fuq il-wiki. Saħħiet --Roderick Mallia 17:16, 4 Ġun 2005 (UTC)

Dati[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Rod.. i saw your note about the new templates. I've been adding to the twieled-fl and mietu-fl category links (those are OK right?) but not adding new weeks, centuries, etc because their translations are in question. I assume you are updating things like that? Do you want help? + we really need to get policy set up sometime, i know i keep bringing up that boring topic  :) [ and my apologies if I totally missed it which is possible ] prosit again on keeping things going Srl | lblb 06:48, 10 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

You're more than right. We should get the policy set up. I'll start that right after the Mintoff article (I'm nearly ready). I'll try and get it out of the way by the end of this week. Regarding the templates, I would be more than glad to have a helping hand. But I think we should get the policy out of the way first (and also a brief guide and FAQ). And yes, you can continue adding the 'twieldu fil-' and 'mietu fil-' categories.

--Roderick Mallia 16:14, 10 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

Rod: looking awesome as usual.. I cleaned up a couple items in MediaWiki that were showing through the HTML in some views.. again please let me know if you need any massive changes to the date pages, i'd be happy to do them.. Srl | lblb 07:42, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
w:en:Freenode on #mt.wikipedia is a good place to hang out Srl | lblb 09:32, 31 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

Skadenza[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

the time menu for 'Skadenza' in blocking a user doesn't work, probably the wiki doesn'ty know how to interpret "3 xhur..." etc.  :( I can pick 'hin iehor' and type in '3 months' manually Srl | lblb 01:55, 30 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

mmm so should we revert back to the old format? ie. 1 month, 3 months, etc. --Roderick Mallia 13:28, 30 Awissu 2005 (UTC)

I am afraid so. :( Maybe move your version into the Talk page there? Srl | lblb 22:23, 30 Awissu 2005 (UTC)
hey Wikipedija is a real namespace now! check out Special:allpages to see! Just caught someone in #wikimedia-tech and they fixed it. Remaining issues:
  1. Għajnuna isn't done. It needs to happen in a language translation. (Wikipedia is the project name and so can be changed, somehow.)
  2. there's a Sandbox and Sandbox/broken, they seem to be the same
  3. not sure what you want wikipedija:Merħba to do, i left wikipedija:merħba/broken
  4. also everywhere you changed like {{projectname}} or whatever it was to Wikipedija probably can be set back now..

Srl | lblb 07:57, 1 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

reklama[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

can you translate: w:en:MediaWiki:SiteNotice and put it on our MediaWiki:Sitenotice grazzi

US$200,000 was raised. I think the effort ends this week-end.. not sure. Srl | lblb 19:01, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

thanks[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Dear Roderick,

I just wanted to say how lucky we are to have you taking care of this project. I noticed the effort you've been putting in here these last few days. I'll do my best to try and allocate more time on a regular basis myself. I really hope to meet you Srl and MaltaGirl at some point soon. Gustav :)) a.k.a --joelemaltais\talk 22:46, 4 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

JLM, you are in .de right? I just passed through there.. but that could be arranged.. likewise, would be great to meet you Srl | lblb 03:20, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for your comments Gustav, I really appreciate. It would be great to meet at some point or other :) --Roderick Mallia 06:45, 5 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

cheers[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi - how does one say "cheers" (before drinking) in Maltse? I wanna learn cheers in all languages in the world. Reply here if u want. --Wonderfool 09:02, 8 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

Hi - we usually say Saħħa or Evviva. I don't know how to best explain the pronounciation but I'll have a shot at it anyway:

Saħħa: The pronounciation of the 's' is similar to that in English. Both the 'a' in saħħa take the sound of the 'u' in 'us', while the 'ħ' has the sound of the 'h' in hum.

Evviva is similar in pronounciation to the Italian form. The 'Evvi' is similar to 'evi' in evidence (with a double v; therefore a stronger vee sound). 'Va' on the other hand is similar to the sound of the 'va' in vanilla.

Hope this helps and sorry for the unorthodox way of explaining things. Good luck with all your learning :) --Roderick Mallia 09:37, 8 Settembru 2005 (UTC)

Reply[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi R,

Just wanted to make sure you got the e-mail I sent you two days ago.


Sicilianu[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Scusami siddu parru in sicilianu, ma sacciu ca tu lu capisci bonu. Ti vulìa diri sulu ca lu sicilianu ntâ paggina principali cumpari ntô gruppu dî wiki tra 100 e 1000 articuli. Pòi curreggiri la pusizzioni? Grazzî. Salutamu. Peppi

PN( (Malta)[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hello, A bunch of older things linked to 'Partit Nazzjonalista' bla '(Malta)' - [like so] - I can fix them all.. but are there other PNs in the world? Srl | lblb 14:29, 6 Ottubru 2005 (UTC)

P.S. I think it probably doesn't make sense to block for more than a few months. IPs change all the time.. there's not a lot of possibility that the same spammer will be there in a few months time I don't think .

lowell and blocks[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hi, you have to use 'other period' and put it in english.. i know, i need to fix it :( that's why the block failed i think. P.S. see the ongoing issues on the en: side of these articles. I'm going to try to revert to your changes. Srl | lblb 14:29, 15 Ottubru 2005 (UTC)

Testing[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Merħba u grazzi għal kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek. Ma titħajjarx toħloq kont ġdid mal-Wikipedija? B'hekk ix-xogħol u l-modifiki jkunu attribwiti lilek personali minflok lil Indirizz IP. Jekk trid tista' tibqa' anonimu - ma tgħamilx differenza, imma sabiħ li jkun hemm ismek ħdejn il-modifiki ta' l-artikli. Jekk ma tirreġistrax ma hemmx mod biex tiġi identifikat.

Mingħand: Srl

X'taħseb? I borrowed the text from one of your replies to an anon user. (That's why I'm testing it here..) Template:Anon-Merħba Srl | lblb 03:39, 3 Novembru 2005 (UTC)
Hi Rod, ideja tajba, però li kont minnek ngħamilha ċara li users reġistrati jistgħu jibqgħu anonimi. Jien per eżempju, avolja irreġistrat tista tgħid li anonimu - dawk li nikteb personalment biss jafu ismi. Għalija l-importanti hi li min jirreġistra jistgħa jiġi involut ħafna aħjar f'diskussjonijiet - barra min hekk id-differenza hi psikologika biss - min jirreġistra jissinjala ċertu impenn fuq għemilhu.--joelemaltais 09:04, 5 Frar 2006 (UTC)

bil-Malti[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Took about 5 minutes for them to fix this, once i found the right place to complain to! (the links to Maltese from ex en.wiki) Srl | lblb 08:26, 12 Novembru 2005 (UTC)

Hey, would you be willing to, like I did here, release your edits to MediaWiki: here as GPL (the mt translation in this wiki).. as per: w:meta:MediaWiki_localisation#License.. then the code can go back into MediaWiki as a software.. that will also let me fix up things like the forms of the dates that go into the block list and lots of other fun stuff that needs code changes. Any questions please let me know, only if you are comfortable of course. Srl | lblb 17:15, 12 Novembru 2005 (UTC)

Għajnuna u Servizz[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

L'ewwel nett is-sena it-tajba... Għalkhemm għandhi numru kbir ta' mistoqsijiet u suġġerimenti - għalissa dawn biss:

  • xtaqt ngħidlek li hemm typo f'.. --> Category

[[Categor:Għat-tħassir immedjat]]

Hemm raġuni għalfejn dawn it-tnejn għamilthom fil-wikipedia space minflok kategorija mil-l'ewwel?

[[Wikipedija:Immarka artiklu mhux imparzjali]]
[[Wikipedija:Suspett ta' vjolazjoni ta' copyright]]
  • Għandnha template Għat-tħassir immedjat? Nidistingwu hawnhekk bejn Għat-tħassir immedjat u oħrajn li l-ewwel jiġu imressqin għall voti għat-tħassir?
  • Qiegħed ikun hawn ħafna artikli li jinbdew min users mhux irreġistrati u ma jinkiteb xejn fihom - jien ta' l-oppinjoni li dawn jitħassru jekk wara ġimgħatejn ma jissoktax xogħol fuqhom. X'tahseb.
  • Qiegħed ukoll ikun hawn ħafna artikli li ir-relevanza tagħhom hi dubjuża - sa ċertu punt naħseb li ma' jtellfu lill-ħadd. Min naħa l'oħra ħafna drabi il-kontenut ikun fjakk u inħoss li ħafna artikli ta' dan it-tip jgħatu sens ta' telqa lil dan il-proġett. x'taħseb?
  • Nixtieq nikteb avviz fuq il-copyright però ghandni ma nistgħx nifhem għalfejn ma irreġistrajtux l-Għajnuna bħala namespace fis-sistema. (ħallejt nota fil Pjazza )

Jekk waħda minn dawn il ġranet niftiehmu għall xi-laqgħa virtwali - forsi ma srl ukoll - u naqsmu ftit xogħol bejnietna tkun ħaġa tajba ħafna.

Insellimlek --joelemaltais 09:04, 5 Frar 2006 (UTC)

Article request[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Greetings Roderick Mallia!, Can you please help me write a stub for this article - which is based on this English article. Just 2-5 lines would be sufficient enough. Your help would be appreciated. (I do not know what the correct Maltese title should be)

Regards -- , 05:47 L-Erbgħa 15 Marzu 2006 (UTC))

Thankyou so much for your help Roderick Mallia! I am very grateful. May God bless you and may you prosper! -- , 08:17 L-Erbgħa 15 Marzu 2006 (UTC)

Talba biex jitħassru xi artikli[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Hemm artiklu żejjed, 'Kamra tar-Deputati'. Ara tridx tneħħih. Tony Sammut 15:33, 2 Mejju 2006 (UTC)

Tibdil fl-isem ta' xi artikli[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Inkitbu 2 artikli ġodda, Fortifikazzjonijiet ta zmien il- kavallieri u Fortifikazzjonijet ta' zmien l- inglizi. Jimporta tirranġahom ftit (it-titli, mhux il-kontenut). Grazzi Tony Sammut 10:31, 9 Mejju 2006 (UTC)

Diversi Kummenti[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

Rod kif aħna... nissaponi li imħabbat...

  • Nixtieq nirreferi għall-nota li hallejt fil-Pjazza ftit zmien ilu. Illum immodifikajt dan it-template:
Isem: {{Mhux bil-Malti}} Template: Mhux bil-Malti Category: [[:Category:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Żżidt il-kumment li jekk il-komunità ma tissoktax xogħol fuq dawn l-Artikli, dawn jiġu imħassrin. Barra li wikis ta' lingwi oħrajn isewgwu l-istess prinċip, inħoss lu dan hu ġustifikat. 4 ġimgħat huma ftit wisq? x-taħseb?

  • l-istess Rigward in-nota It-Tfittxija. Din mhix haġa diffiċli. Pero irid ikollnha aċċess għall fonti tal code biex indaħħlu it-tibdil fil-portlet bl-id p-search:
<div id="p-search" class="portlet">
  <h5><label for="searchInput">Fittex</label></h5>
  <div id="searchBody" class="pBody">
    <form action="/wiki/Special:Search" id="searchform">
        <input id="searchInput" name="search" type="text" accesskey="f" value="" />
        <input type='submit' name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton"	value="Mur" /> 
        <input type='submit' name="fulltext" class="searchButton" value="Fittex" />

għat tfittxija nistgħu inqassru il-lista tax-shortcuts.

<a onclick="insertTags('ċ','','');return false" href="#">ċ</a>
<a onclick="insertTags('ġ','','');return false" href="#">ġ</a>
<a onclick="insertTags('ħ','','');return false" href="#">ħ</a>
<a onclick="insertTags('ż','','');return false" href="#">ż</a>

  • Ftit ilu għamilt proposta' ta' laqgħa fuq Skype.

Għajnuna:Żbalji komuni fl-użu tal-Wikipedija[immodifika | immodifika s-sors]

hi Rod, Żbalji' vera li hu miktub hażin? kif qesd jissuġerixxi utent anonimu? Joe :))