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Diskussjoni utent:AldoFenech

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa


Għandna bżonn artikli ġodda, l-iżjed fuq ix-xjenza. Nispera li tisat' tgħinna.


"Leli Forte 12:19, 17 Awwissu 2008 (UTC)"[wieġeb]

Merħba lura Aldo! Immisjanihom l-artikli tiegħek! :) --Roderick Mallia 20:09, 17 Awwissu 2008 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Iva nghinkom bil-qalb kollha, dan l-ahhar kont imhabbat imma se naghmel mill-ahjar biex nerga nibda nikkontribwixxi ta' spiss!


Hi could you help me translate the kevin borg article into beautiful maltese. as he is a contestant on the swedish version of Pop idol right now. thanks-- 12:07, 3 Ottubru 2008 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Għamiltlek eżempju ta' referenza fl-artiklu Sistema Solari imma kelli nnaħħi 'reflist' mill-ewwel linja. Nispera li jgħinek.

Awguri "Leli Forte 16:05, 3 Ottubru 2008 (UTC)"[wieġeb]

X'templates għandek bżonn eżatt, Aldo? --Roderick Mallia 10:58, 8 Ottubru 2008 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Sistema solari

[immodifika s-sors]

Nirringrazzjak tal-kumpliment, però l-grazzi jmur speċjalment għalik li ħdimt ħafna biex kabbar u tejjibt l-artiklu. Prosit mill-ġdid u kompli sejjer hekk. Chrisportelli (d) 13:14, 8 Ottubru 2008 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Translation of a short story

[immodifika s-sors]

Hi my friend!

I already wrote to two editors, I hope, soembody can help me. I'm a Hungarian editor, my name is Norbert. I would like to request something from you. Yes, translation. I hope, it's not a bad thing for you. Some years ago I wrote a (really) short story about a lonely man (actually symbolized the Saami nation). I translated into some languages and I thought, it would be great to have it more, like also in Malti :) I made this page, the English translation is somewhere there. You can put the Malti translation there. Thank you again! Sorry for my disturb... :( - hu:User:Eino81