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Tracked transport vehicle Sisu NA 110
A tracked transport vehicle Sisu NA 110 aka Nasu (Piggy), which took part in the military parade in the day of the declaration of the independence of Finland, 6th December, 2005. The partly televisioned national military parade was organised by the Hame military district in the city of Lahti, Finland.
The Sisu NA 100's are the main infantry vehicle of the northernmost Kainuu Brigade, which is one of the readiness brigades. The others are equipped with eihet Haegglunds CV9030 tracked or Sisu XA-360 wheeled APCs. This vehicle is not that of the Kainuu Brigade.
Country of origin:
Finland, Sisu (now Patria Vehicles, a subsidiary company of Patria, which produces ONLY (2006) Patria AMV XA-360 "Wolverine")
Canon EOS 350D, Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55 mm 1:3.5-5.6 II, Olli-Jukka Paloneva, 6th December, 2005,
li taqsam – li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u tittrażmetti din l-opra
li timmodifika – li tadatta l-biċċa xogħol
Taħt il-kundizzjonijiet segwenti:
attribuzzjoni – Għandek tattribwixxi x-xogħol bil-mod speċifikat mill-awtur jew minn min ta l-l-iċenzja (imma mhux b'xi mod li jissuġġerixxi ji jappoġjaw lilek jew l-użu tax-xogħol).
Ixxerja bl-istess mod – Jekk tbiddel, tittrasforma jew tibni fuq dan il-materjal, inti għandek bżonn taqsam il-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek taħt l-istess liċenzja jew waħda li taqbel ma' dik oriġinali.
== Summary == '''Tracked transport vehicle Sisu NA 110''' A tracked transport vehicle ''Sisu NA 110'' aka ''Nasu (Piggy)'', which took part in the military parade in the day of the declaration of the independence of Finland, 6th December, 2005. The partl