
Daqs tad-dehra proviżorja: 800 × 585 pixels. Riżoluzzjonijiet oħra: 320 × 234 pixels | 640 × 468 pixels | 1,024 × 749 pixels | 1,280 × 936 pixels | 2,560 × 1,872 pixels | 3,724 × 2,723 pixels
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Agħfas fuq il-grupp data/ħin biex tara l-fajl biex tara kif jidher dak il-ħin.
Data/Ħin | Minjatura | Qisien | Utent | Kumment | |
kurrenti | 12:47, 2 Ġunju 2024 | ![]() | 3,724 × 2,723 (12.62 MB) | Archivecard0 | Uploaded a work by Survey Department Federation of Malaya from I found these works in physical form from a Road Map called. "Road Map of Malaya" issued by Shell in 1951. According to Copyright Act 1987 (Malaysia Act 332) From my copy of the Copyright Act (332) 1987: **23. Duration of copyright in works of Government, Government organizations and international bodies.** Copyright which subsists in works of the Government, Government organizations and international bodies under this Act shall... |
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